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Pinellia novel
Chapter 324 Entering Anyang City
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Previous chapter: Chapter 323 Defection to General WangNext chapter: Chapter 325 Return to Zhoujiacun
Chapter 324 Entering Anyang City

The troubled times have come. In such a world, no one can survive alone. Even if Zhou Yanwei doesn't have too many greedy ideas, if he wants to enter Anyang City and then go home all the way, he must follow this person. He was dealing with General Wang, the leader of the rebel army, so in that case, why not go over there directly?

The people in Anyang City are being slaughtered. If General Wang can be killed, the people can also be saved.

Zhou Yanwei was so arrogant that his brothers were also excited. After all, they were originally just shady soldiers raised by Prince An in Zhuangzi, but now that Prince An is dead, dozens of their brothers came all the way from Shangjing City. , and now there are only eighteen left. If they continue to fight alone, it will be difficult for them to survive. If they really join General Wang's command and make a career, they will not be in this world in vain!

Even though they have no intention of claiming kingship and hegemony, if they can kill General Wang and save a city's people, it is a very important thing for them!

In addition to Zhou Yanwei and his family, Gu Yifei, Peng Kun, Wu Heyang and others were all orphans. In the early years, their families were also from official families. After his father was defeated, King An took him to Zhuangzi, and Wu Heyang was among this group of people. The smartest one among them, his martial arts is not that strong, but he is the brains among the group.

It's just that he doesn't express much opinions at ordinary times. He always listens to Zhou Yanwei and fully agrees with Zhou Yanwei's arrangements.

The group of people quickly decided to defect to General Wang in Anyang City. They heard that General Wang was just a commoner before the uprising, and he was a butcher, so everyone planned to join him, so they rode expensive horses all the way. Arriving outside the gate of Anyang City.

Eighteen people dressed in black, with unusual appearance and identity, appeared, which made the people above Anyang City become vigilant. As a result, they heard that someone was cold below.

Dong Yunhu used his internal energy and let out a lion's roar that made everyone on the city wall and inside the city wall hear his powerful and domineering voice.

"Brothers from Anyang City! I recently heard that General Wang has set up camp in Anyang City! Today, I am waiting for the first-class bodyguards of Prince An of the capital to come to Anyang City to join General Wang! I also ask brothers to report! I heard that General Wang is With the power of a real dragon descending from the earth, brothers and I have admired it for a long time, and we only hope to see General Wang!"

Dong Yunhu's voice spread throughout the walls of Anyang City, and people close to the walls could hear the voice. The rebels on the city wall immediately saw this group of people's top-notch sweaty horses. In fact, they were just ordinary war horses, but no one else had seen them!

The imperial family got the best things. In Prince An's village, they naturally kept horses and weapons. So when Zhou Yanli and others came back, there were more than 40 people in the group, all riding the horses that Prince An had collected. The bloody horses are all black war horses, and they are as tall as a person!

And now these bloody horses alone can explain their identities! After all, it is impossible for ordinary people to see a war horse in this life!

In fact, Zhou Yanli and others were assassinated and encountered many things on their way back. More than forty people turned into eighteen, and horses were also killed for meat. It can be said that they are also dusty.

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