Start from the beginning

Oh, when was the last time you celebrated your birthday?

"Hey, why's nobody here, huh?!" Your red-headed bestfriend grumbled, pacing back and forth around the room. "Is it only us two? Are you kiddin' me?! Oh, those assholes better have a good reason!"

You sweatdropped and smiled at her, tilting your head at an angle. "Ami, it's okay..I don't care. They have better things to do! It's all cool!"

"All cool?! Y/N!"

The girl shook you vigorously by the shoulders, scolding you for being so okay with the fact that you two were currently the only ones in the Aquarium. Only the staff and you two. Literally no guests. That was..weird, but, who cared?

"You know what?! Let's just go!" She scoffed, walking into the actual Aquarium's entrance and dragging you by the arm. "They don't deserve you! C'mon! Let's go celebrate your birthday, just the two of us! They don't need to be here!"

"That's what I just said, Ami.." You sighed, shaking your head.

The two of you paused when you heard commotion coming from inside, people yelling at each other and a familiar sounding voice giving out instructions. The shuffling of feet, the clanking of plates, the casual 'shit! What the fuck is wrong with you?! The confetti! What'd you do to it?!', and a few kazoos blowing obnoxiously.

"Uh, stay here!" Your red-headed bestfriend nervously spoke, waving her hands around and jogging over to the source of the sounds. You raised a brow, but stayed put, crossing your arms and looking over at all of the various fishtanks. 

Almost taking a step forward, you looked around for any sign of Amia first, before rushing over to one of the tunnels leading to the exhibits. You smiled to yourself and walked through the various displays, running your hands over the glass. A few fishes followed your palm, until you reached the end of the glass layer, removing your hand from it and watching the fish swim away. 

You turned around to see the jellyfish's exhibit, your mouth making a small 'o' shape while you walked over. You placed a hand to the glass, crouching down to the small hole in the case, before your eyes caught onto two..very familiar looking jellyfish.

A small blue box one, the Australian Box Jellyfish, and another one--a lavender purple moon jellyfish with frilly stingers. You smiled and watched as they were drawn to your palm against the glass, hovering just mere centimeters away from the layer and bobbing up-and-down.

"Hey," You jumped when you felt a palm rest on your shoulder, whipping around immediately. "Amia was looking for you. She told you to not go anywhere, did she not?"

You sweatdropped at the sudden appearance of Sicily, one of your jellyfish-looking companions, and smiled nervously. "Yeah, but..it was so boring.."

"Cut N/N a break, chief!" Asinara scoffed, coming up next to you and ruffling your hair. "It's his birthday, man! He doesn't wanna just stand around!"

"Oh, so you guys didn't forget.." You raised a brow, pouting a bit.

Asinara waved his hands around and stuttered, struggling to give you an explanation. Sicily sighed and grabbed you by the hand, dragging you back towards where Amia told you to wait, and shaking his head. "Yeah, yeah. C'mon."

You shrugged and matched your pace to his, catching up to walk just next to him. You observed all the displays as you passed by them, watching as the sea life tried to follow you to the edge of their incasings. You smiled lightly at them, letting your eyes relax and your gaze soften.

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