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A/N I don't know any of the ages so everyone is going to be between 30 and 40 lol

Bailey loved being a travel nurse for the longest time, the traveling around to different places. She missed her family even though she kept in touch with them and she missed her friends the last time she was home was for her brother's wedding after her nephew Owen was born. So many other things have changed, her last and finally assignment has come to an end and she was in the works with Mrs. Goodwin to go back to work at Chicago med, Bailey would finally be home with her friends and family and she couldn't wait. She had her stuff sent to her brothers  til she got to chicago , she was going to surprise her sister as the hospital after she dropped her bag off at her new apartment her brother Michael was going to bring her stuff over so the Manning siblings could all catch up while helping her unpack. After getting to her apartment she dropped her luggage off and headed out. Since it was a beautiful day out she was going to walk to surprise her sister

Bailey smiled looking around as she headed towards the hospital, nothing changed around from when she grew up. She was so excited to be back home to be able to see her friends and family and watch her nephew grow up. Bailey was lost in her thought's when she stepped into the streets as a car ran a red light and hit her in the process, next thing she knew she was surrounded by people and she being loaded onto the stretcher "where are you taking me?" She asked the EMT's " Chicago Med" the EMT told her as they got into the ambulance. Over at the ED Maggie was giving everyone there assessments as she got the notice on her phone "Dr Choi your up we have a patient coming in, hit by a car in the cross walk" Ethan ran up to the EMT's as they wheeled her in " what do you have" The EMT pushed the stretcher " 34 year old family was walking in the cross walk as a car ran the red light and hit her" As they got into a treatment room Ethan noticed who it was " April" He called out as she was getting everything ready, April looked down at the patient " Oh my god Bailey" Ethan looked out the door at Maggie " Let Natalie know" Ethan looked back at Bailey " Bailey I need to check your neck" He took the brace off as he called for an X-ray "Alright neck is fine looking at the X-ray you have some broken ribs and I want to reset that arm and get a CT on her head just to make sure "

Maggie went into the doctor lounge and saw Natalie " Nat Bailey here in treatment 2" Natalie looked up at Maggie " what she supposed to be in Rome" She said before rushing out of the room headed towards treatment 2 "Ethan what happened" Ethan looked at Natalie " She's fine broken arm and a few broken ribs I just want to keep her here incase, She's on her way to get a CT done of her head just to make sure" Natalie watched as they rolled her sister ' I didn't even know she was back, I have to call Michael" She went back into the lounge to call her brother. Will saw his brother come in the ED "Jay what are you doing here?"Jay looked at his brother "The patient that came in was involved with a hit in run, car hit her and took off. The person who also get hit was Bailey Manning, I want to see if she remembers anything and check on her " Will looked at him " Jay Bailey's in Rome I just talked to her yesterday we all did " Jay shook his head as Natalie came back on " No will she's back I didn't even know and when she's better Jay I'll let you know" Jay smiled softly " thank you" Natalie nodded and went back towards the room to wait for her sister

As she was getting wheeled back down Bailey looked at April " Surprise" April laughed "Seriously you got hit by a car and that's what you say first" Bailey smiled softly "yes because I was coming to surprise everyone and it wouldn't be me if I didn't come in like a tornado" April nodded " that is true, but are you ready for Natalie" Bailey looked as the elevator door's opened "Yes because im going to say the same thing to her" April smiled as they wheeled her back to the room as they got closer and brought her in Bailey looked over at her sister and smiled "Surprise Natalie" Natalie looked at her sister " Surprise?, really you were hit by a car. Why didn't you tell me you were visiting I would of got you and brought you here or Michael would of" Bailey looked at her sister "Okay first off chill, second im not here to visit im back for good. Michael knew because he has all my stuff and I was coming to surprise you and we were all going to unpack my stuff tonight" Natalie shook her head at her sister " Your lucky I love you, and we might need more help since your out of commission for a while" Bailey shrugged and looked out side seeing will, Ethan and Connor and she looked over at her sister " Now I know that April and Maggie are going to come now since they know im back.. but how much do you want to bet I can get will or Connor to come help? I know Ethan will come" Natalie smiled " do you really think they will" Bailey shrugged " Hey Will Connor come here I want to ask you something" Will and Connor looked up as they walked in " Glad to see your okay and in one piece " Bailey smiled " well would I be any other way, do you guys want to come help out when I do get out of here im going to need all the help I can get with unpacking the new apartment" Connor looked at her and smiled " Of course I'll be there" Bailey smiled at him and looked at will " I'll drag Jay along to help out" He said and smiled " it's good to have you back wish it was a different way we found out" Bailey Smiled " Well were's the fun in that "

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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