Episode 2: Rise of the Turtles, Part 2

Start from the beginning


Soon after, Snake led the turtles to an undesirable corner of the city, where the Kraang set up their facility. They spied on it from a nearby rooftop, realizing it was heavily guarded. Perfect place to keep hostages. Mikey was tasked with keeping an eye on Snake while the others formulated a plan.

"There's gotta be like... twenty of them down there." Leo observed, looking through a telescope. "And that's just the ones we can see." Donnie added.

"Alright!" Raph said happily, pulling out his sais. "An all-you-can-beat buffet!"

"We can't just rush in there!" Leo warned. "We need a plan." "Why?" "Think, you shell-brain!" Donnie chastised. "There are innocent lives at stake! If we screw this up, they're all goners!"

"Then we won't screw it up." Raph said, as if that were totally obvious.

"Boy, I could sure go for some of that pizza right now, huh?" Mikey asked casually. Then he noticed his siblings staring at him with shocked expressions. "What? I can't be the only one that's hungry."

"Where's Snake?" Sam asked, a look of concern on her face. Mikey gasped lightly as he glanced over to where he left Snake, only to see him making a run for it. "Oh, geez." "Get him!" Leo ordered.

The turtles chased Snake down the fire escape and split up in the alley to find him. Donnie, Sam, and Mikey came to a dead end with a tall concrete wall blocking their path. "Maybe he went over the wall," Donnie wondered. "I'm on it!" Mikey said.

Donnie and Sam boosted Mikey up and over easily. "Alley oop!" Sam said playfully. However, once Mikey was over, the purple and yellow-clad turtles heard a lot of banging, crashing, and Mikey shouting in pain. "Ow. I don't think he went this way!" Mikey groaned.


Leo and Raph had run into a separate alley, where they successfully found Snake's hiding place. Leo silently gestured around the corner, and Raph nodded, confirming he would follow his lead. Rather than capture him, they decided to trick him.

"Oh, great, we let him get away!" Leo said, loud enough for Snake to hear. "Whoa, whoa." Raph cut in. "You're the leader, which means you let him get away."

"You're not helping." Leo quietly hissed.

"I'm not trying to help."

"Okay, okay. You want me to lead? Fine." Leo then continued on with his ruse. "We go back to the lair, gear up, and at midnight, we'll drive Snake's van right up to the gate. They'll think we're him, and we'll cruise right in." Leo finished, making sure Snake heard.

"And then we bust some heads?"

"And then we bust some heads."

"I love a happy ending."

The two turtles then left the scene, leaving Snake to escape with a smug smile and the fake information he just heard. Those turtles won't know what hit them.


Now back at the lair, Donnie was busy in his lab, using his welder to make tools they could use to infiltrate the Kraang base. Meanwhile, Raph was in the kitchen talking to someone.

"I know you're a little worried about me," he said in a sweet tone. "Look, I'm not gonna lie to you; we've never gone into a fight like this. I don't know what's gonna happen." Raph only opens up like this for one person... "But you don't have to worry. I will make it back. I love you, man." and that one person is...

Spike, his pet tortoise.

Spike sat on the counter, munching on his lettuce leaf, as Raph talked to him. He was a constant companion to Raphael, even though he couldn't talk back.

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