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August 1st 1978

I just recently quit my old job at a record store. As if I knew I would get accepted to work at Hawkins Laboratory. Pulling up to the driveway I hop out of the car and lock it. As soon as I enter the house I hear Dustin, my little brother. He is eight years old and I love him dearly.

"Yeah," I ask, walking to him and seeing he has mail in his hands.

"I think this is the letter, sis." He says.

Instantly I snatched it from him. I tore it open and read it carefully. The letter is short. Yet they want me to come in later today to sign the paperwork.

"Mom!" I grinned and ran over to her.


Later that night I drove over around six PM. The building looks huge. I get a strange feeling when I turn around. Though I can't. This is my first actual offer. I can become a nurse and help people. All I ever wanted to do was help people feel better. I worked so hard for this. I graduated from Indiana State University last year with a nursing degree. The only experience I have is from classes. That's not yet good enough for Hospitals. Applying here though is a different story.

After parking my car I get out. I'm dressed in nice clothing. Leather brown skirt along with a blazer.

The building looks like it's highly monitored. The guards at their post. Even if they aren't staring at me I feel like there are eyes glaring through the back of my head.

Apaun walking inside I'm directed to the front desk. A nurse who seemed to be well... doing her job and typed my name up in the system.

"Peter will escort you to Dr. Brenner's office." She says.

Looking over to my left a dirty blonde attractive man stands nearby to take me there. What caught my attention was his blue eyes. Ocean blue eyes looking in mine.

"This is Kimberly Henderson. You will escort her to Brenner's office to sign official paperwork." The redhead nurse finishes.

"Follow me." That was all Peter said.

I nod, "Alright."

He then takes me deeper into the building. I follow behind him. There's something instantly mysterious about him. I glare over at him. He looks to be about 32 years old. Way older than me. I'm only 24.

I keep my hands to my sides trying to mask any type of nervousness. He scans his key card as we head up the stairs.

"Why not take the elevator?" I ask.

He just chuckled, "It will give you more time to think twice."

To think twice? What on earth did he mean by that? Once we reach his office I sit down in a chair in front of his desk. He places plenty of paperwork in front of us.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Henderson." Dr. Brenner smiles.

It's a kind smile enough to send a shiver down my spine. I beamed a grin back, "You as well Dr. Brenner."

"I want you to read everything carefully. I am aware it's a lot of information." He starts. Brenner then points at the first paper he wants me to read.

I reach over to pick it up. Instant red flag. The first bold letters caught my eye. U.S. Department of Energy. My thumb held the paper tighter. What on earth am I signing up for?

"When you start working it will be expected that you know what to do. Then when you start you will see things you shall not tell others."

I look up at him, "I see where you're going with this."

He smiles, "Very good. In that case, as soon as you sign all contracts you are no longer allowed to leave the facility." He then clears his throat, "However your first day will begin tomorrow. You are allowed to go home one final time."

"Do I have an option?" I ask.

"What option are you refuting?"

I swallow, "To back out before tomorrow."

Silence. The silence between the both of us. It's as if I already know what he is going to say. What on earth did I apply for? Was this in the application? This is what Peter meant. This is why he took the long way here. He wasn't fooling.

"My apologies, sincerely. However, no. There is no going back now."

I look up to the corner of his office. A camera. Why haven't I realized this before? Cameras are everywhere. The building is highly guarded. As if they're hiding a huge secret. Anyone who dares go in there is destined to stay.

His finger points to the X for me to sing my name. I stupidly took the pen and did so. I put my name on every damn paper as I felt his grin even if I didn't look up. Something is dragging me to this place. Something in this building is calling me here.

Why did I keep writing my name? I didn't even read some of the documents. I just kept putting down my full name.

"Looks like you made the right choice, Henderson."

With that, I left the room with two files in my hand. Peter was there outside waiting to escort me back out. I looked through the papers making sure I didn't leave one. They are the copies he just made after I left. This place works fast.

I turned to him. He raised an eyebrow and started to walk down the hall. I quickly followed him.

"You seem curtained to work here." That was all he said.

I didn't reply. Suddenly he stopped walking, causing me to bump into him. We just managed to enter the stairwell just before then. Looking up, no cameras. Even that made me uneasy. Peter turned around and grinned.

"Welcome to hell, Henderson."

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