Ugly Duckling Inez.

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When Inez wearing a hoodie to reveal her looks.

In class.

Ms.Midnight: okay students, tomorrow we're going to the museum, with no photos, no phones allow in the museum, do you understand?

All: yes.

Mowgil: I can't wait to see the paintings.

Carlos: sí, Latinx artists are made.

Inez: can I go?

Shanti: yes, you come with us.

Inez: really?

Keesha: yes really.

Inez: oh my goodness thanks!

In Aizawa's room they taking dinner in night.

Inez: Dad? Me and my friends going to museum tomorrow.

Aizawa: that's great sweetheart.

Ms Joke: ha! Awesome little snowflake.

Mr Mic: fantastic!

Shinsou: that's good little sis.

Eri: wow! You will go to the museum with your friends?

Inez: yes, I could, I really...

In flashback 6 years old Inez playing a ball, and the mean kids make fun at her.

Inez: oh, my name is Inez, do you like to play?

Oliver: yeah, will we play.

Liam: you are ugly.

Oliver: look, it's Ugly Inez!

Back to present, Inez started to cry.

Ms Joke: Inez, what's wrong?

Eri: did someone hurt you?

Aizawa: tell me sweetie.

Inez: everything is normal! I am going to my bedroom alone!

She runs to her bedroom, Aizawa came here to tell her, She's covering her blanket in mirrors and put her mask.

Inez: What are you doing Dad!

Aizawa: Why are you putting your blanket in your mirror?

Inez: doesn't matter Dad. Just leave me alone, I can't going to museum tomorrow.

Aizawa: sweetheart...*sign*

Aizawa sings, slow music starts.

I wish, I met you in your adoption,

When you want to hang out with me,

Like a father and daughter like something to play,

Kids Rule Season 3.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora