"Hi! Who's winning?" Holograph asks.

"Me," Mars, answers, looking up from his cards. "Earth's in dead last, again." he smiled.

"Hey!" Earth protested. "I'm not that bad at cards!"

"Sure," Holograph pointed the camera at Luna. "Aren't those cards too big for you?"

"Yeah, but they're actually really light." Luna shifted the cards around.

"Cool! I'm off to the gas giants now, have fun!" the camera moves past the trio, and starts passing through the asteroid belt. The light from the sun is dimmed, and the camera could only make out the shapes of nearby asteroids. A eerie, strange, noise that sounded like a fucked up laugh echoed through the belt.

"Oh, and, you can't ASK Ceres, cause he doesn't... y'know,, TALK, but you can dare him!" the camera eventually broke through the edge of the asteroid belt, readjusting it's path towards Jupiter.

"Jupiter! Hello!"

Jupiter turned at the sound of a voice, looking down at Holograph. "Oh... hello, you're Holograph, right?"

"Yep!" Holograph tilted the camera more upwards, some of Jupiter's moons, specifically his A-team, could be seen in the distance, peeking over curiously.

"Nice to meet you..  don't get too close, I don't want you to get caught in my gravity by accident."

"Thanks for the warning! I'll be going now!" the camera panned towards Saturn and started drifting towards him, until Holograph was interrupted by a snarky voice.

"Hey, you! Yeah, the polluted-blue looking moon with an earthling toy!"

"Sigh..." Holograph, along with the camera, turned towards the source of the voice. "Hello, Ganymede. And company." they nodded at the other three moons behind the large moon.

"Of course you've heard of me, even though.. I have no idea who you are- anyways, I'm the largest moon in the solar system." Ganymede announced proudly, getting two annoyed looks shot at him by the female moons behind him. "Which planet did you come from?"

"None from this solar system, that's for sure. We can talk later, I'm trying to get this chapter over with!"

"Chapter-? Wait, where do you think you're going-"

Holograph redirected the camera to point at Saturn, drifting over.

"Hi Saturn! Oh wow, your rings are so much more pretty in person! Well, planet." Holograph greeted.

"Thank you! You're too kind, little moon!" Saturn smiled brightly, flaunting his rings.

The camera zoomed in on a green-blue moon in the distance. "Is that one of your moons?"

"Oh, yes! That's Titan, isn't he so precious?"

"Er, yeah he is. Well, I have to go! See you later, Saturn!"


The camera zoomed back out, and then floated towards Uranus.

"Hey, Uranus! Wanna say something to the viewers?" Holograph offered, tilting the camera upwards.

"Huh-? Oh, yeah." he took a deep breath. "STOP MAKING FUN OF MY NAME. That's all."

"Uhh, I guess that's something reasonable! And for our final visit, Neptune! Um. Any idea where he is?"

"If I had to guess, the Kuiper Belt, because I don't see him anywhere else."

"Thanks! Bye!" Holograph dashed towards the Kuiper Belt with the camera, dodging asteroids as they went deeper and deeper into the Kuiper Belt, slowing down.

"Neptune!! Neeeppttunnneee!! Hello?" the light from the Sun really started to dim as Holograph and the camera traveled deeper into the asteroid collection. Pushing away a large asteroid, Holograph entered a little bubble of asteroids, but with painted on dark blue faces.

"It's way more creepy actually seeing it..." the camera scanned over the collection of asteroids. "Neptune?"

"Hello!" Neptune peeked out from a couple of asteroids. "Who are you?"

"Finally! I'm Holograph, please call me Holo." they paused. "..Didn't I already explain... well, nevermind. Wanna say something into the camera?"



Neptune floated there, without blinking, or moving at all.

"Um.. hello?" Holograph pointing the camera around awkwardly, before pointing it back at Neptune, but he was already gone.

"...Neptune?" the camera scanned their surroundings.

"I guess I'll end it here, then."



1130 words

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