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Pinellia novel
Chapter 247 Krypton Gold Cultivation System
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Previous chapter: Chapter 246 Return to Mermaid VillageNext chapter: Chapter 248 White hair turns into blue hair
Chapter 247 Krypton Gold Cultivation System

When Qin Zechuan came to his senses, he was sitting behind a window with a plastic screen to block the wind. There were all kinds of noisy sounds in his ears, listening to the kind words of Aunt Wang, Aunt Zheng, Uncle Wang, etc. Addressing each other, both men and women spoke softly, as if they were each other's biological children. This scene was a bit strange.

After living as a mermaid for more than a thousand years, Qin Zechuan died in Mermaid Village. He felt that his life was not bad. But now, he once again entered a new world, and this time he found that his golden finger was simply awesome. Big hair!

Have you ever heard of urban immortality? In his memory, he had a krypton gold cultivation system!

The original owner, Qin Zechuan, is twenty-eight years old this year. He was born into a wealthy family in his early years. His father became very rich doing coal mine contracting projects. After Qin Zechuan was born, he lived a good life that everyone envied. This life lasted until he was sixteen years old. Dad's company suddenly went bankrupt, and he jumped from a tall building to his death.

The only remaining sister in the family, Qin Zemeng, who was four years older than him, was still in college at the time. Although his mother was devastated by his father's death, she quickly cheered up and found a job.

Qin's father jumped off the building, but no one died and the debt was wiped out. After selling the family property, the debt owed by Qin's father was fully paid off. Qin's mother also took on the important task of supporting the family at that time. She was originally a A noble lady who cultivated herself and cultivated herself had nothing to do but raise flowers and play the piano. However, after her husband died and the family went bankrupt, Qin's mother went to apply for a job at a piano store.

Qin's mother's piano was very good, she had all the test certificates, and she even played very well, so she quickly found a job in a piano store, even with a high salary of 20,000 yuan.

Qin Zemeng originally wanted to be a lawyer, but her father's death and her mother's efforts forced her to give up her dream of becoming a lawyer. Lawyers make money, but in big cities they need a stronger network of connections. When she entered the university, twenty-year-old Qin Zemeng had no way to continue her studies, so she started taking music exams directly at school. When she was a child, she studied piano, violin, etc. with Qin's mother. After two years, she almost passed the exam in school. All qualification certificates that can be tested.

Teacher qualification certificate, as well as various music certificates. Finally, after borrowing money from the school to start a business, he opened a music cram school to teach children piano, violin and other high-end music.

Qin's mother also joined her daughter's team two years later. After obtaining the teacher qualification certificate, the two of them started this cram school. It can be said that they have been busy almost the whole year. After going back and forth, life slowly picked up.

In five years, from the age of sixteen to twenty-one, Qin Zechuan's father had paid off all the debts he owed. Only then did Qin's mother and Qin Zemeng realize that Qin Zechuan's studies had plummeted, and he was even very rebellious at the time, not only because of I performed poorly in the college entrance examination and entered a third-rate university. I even often bought some luxuries that were useless at home.

The mother and daughter worked hard to make money and pay off the debt, but the son was reluctant to eat before giving it to his son, and spent all of it on useless luxuries. After the Qin family went bankrupt, Qin Zechuan's former good friends naturally lost contact. After arriving at a new school and then a third-rate university, I became more eager to compare than before.

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