Their Fateful Meeting

Start from the beginning

She was my first friend besides Yuki, and she seems so honest with herself and me. Why am I feeling this way?

People are the stepping stones to my goals.

People don't matter to me.

People are simply my tools to use to win.

All that matters is winning, I don't care how immoral or evil I have to be.

So why do I care for her?

What makes Arisu so different? What about her makes me feel things?
Wait... What am I even feeling? Guilt? Regret?


No. It can't be that. I must be crazy.
I open my eyes and look over to Arisu, who just has the most innocent smile ever. Her lilac shoulder length hair, her petite body, her purple eyes...

My heart did something funny.

What is this? It's too much...

"A date sounds fun."
I blurted out, even if quietly. It was unintentional, I don't know what took over me to say such things.

Her smile only grew, and she looked more beautiful than she already was.

"I look forward to it, Kiyotaka."
She dropped my nickname. How unfortunate, I actually liked it.

I did my best to make use of the zygomaticus major muscle, the one responsible for smiling. But just as I guessed, I'm ass at smiling. I bet my face would cramp up after a few seconds if I ever managed to smile anyway.

Arisu only looked at me with a confused face, still keeping her smile on.
"Are you okay, Kiyotaka?"

She asked, looking worried. I instantly drew back, and told her I'm alright and was attempting to smile.
Surprisingly, she once again took my hand and forced me to look her in the eyes.

"Do not fret, Kiyotaka. For as long as you know me, I swear upon myself that I will teach you how to feel. I will show you that no one cares about you as much as I do."
She looked dead serious, I could tell she wasn't lying.
What is this feeling? My heartbeat did something funny again.

"Thank you."
I responded, looking down and nodding. She instantly drew back and looked embarrassed, as if she confessed her love to someone.

Arisu kept apologizing for her sudden boldness, and I kept telling her it was okay. She didn't listen however. What a stubborn girl.

(Arisu POV)

Oh. My. God...

I'm so dumb!

I practically confessed to him! I basically said "I love you."! I'm finished!!!

I mentally complained and berated myself for my actions, yet Kiyotaka didn't seem too affected by my words. Did he not care? Not, I doubt it's that. Maybe it's because of the way he grew up in the White Room? Possibly...

I cleared my throat and looked over to him, smiling gently.

"A-anyways. For our date, why not go this Saturday? Or the next?"
I sighed under my breath, noticing he took a while to respond.

"I mean, I'll be living with you from now on, so whenever works."
He shrugged and crossed his arms, looking cool.

Oh yeah, we'll be living together. I had forgotten that somehow.

That just makes everything more perfect! That means I'm able to show him how perfect of a wife I am! I'll cook for him, clean for him, play Chess with him, teach him feelings, take care of our kids— Wait, don't get ahead of yourself, me! We still need to make him fall for me... Even so, I've already decided.

I'll make Ayanokouji Kiyotaka fall for me on our first date!


Hi. Sorry this chapter took longer to get out, I had school and was dealing with something. But I'll be able to start uploading more, lucky us! This is my longest chapter yet, wow. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this. See you next chapter!

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