𝚃𝚠𝚘 - 𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚊

Start from the beginning

Maria had a way of knowing things, which made you question about whether she was aware of this specific fact about you, even before your kiss with Ellie. "I get that." She nodded, folding her arms over her torso. "Maybe she'll be at the movie. If you come with me, maybe you could talk to her there." Maria tried, and you could tell it was partly genuine, but she also wanted you to come with her to help hand out popcorn to the greedy little kids that attended the weekly movies every single time, never failing to make your afternoon absolutely miserable. "I'll come with." You nodded, leaving Maria pleased as you went to your room. You had not been able to turn any of your thoughts into anything slightly poetic, but you did write a lot of stuff down on paper, mainly because the things you jotted down had no place else to go.

Not a single inch of you had the power to be angry at her though, and you kept telling yourself she must have had a very good reason she acted the way she did towards Joel. You had only ever seen their good side, and had no idea about whether they fought or not. He wasn't really a topic of the discussion when you two were together, and neither were Tommy and Maria. 

You attempted to write more stuff down, but your arms felt tired and you had little to no energy to continue. You luckily weren't hungover, since Ellie dragged you out of the bar just one drink into the night. When you got home yesterday, you almost immediately got ready for bed, but laid in there with your thoughts for hours. If anything, you were just really, really tired. Even though Jackson had come so far already, the coffee still sucked. It wasn't like you had anything to compare it to, but still. Tommy still swore by it though, going through at least three cups of day, concerning the living shit out of Maria. She said she was worried he was going to give himself a heart attack one of these days, but by the way she spoke you could tell it was just her protective need talking, which often took the lead when anything concerncing you or Tommy was going on.

————— ୨୧ —————

You were wearing the oversized jacket Tommy gave you during one of your first patrol shifts, and you had to walk at a fast pace to keep up with Maria, who was walking just a few feet in front of you. "What movie are we even watching?" You asked, running for a bit to make sure you were within her hearing. "Batman and Robin." She said, causing you to let out a big sigh. It was at least the third time this year you had watched this movie on the big screen, but the smaller kids of Jackson couldn't seem to get enough of the heroic superhero. "Are you fucking kidding me?" You mumbled beneath your breath, receiving a chuckle from Maria. 

"Matilda." She said, her face still on the path ahead of us. "Huh?" You frowned, unsure as to what she meant. "That's the movie we're watching." She explained, but the frown did not leave your face, you had never heard of that film before. "Huh." You said again, taking in the information. "You'll like it." She looked back to smile and wink at you, and you could immediately tell you were going to hate it.

She unlocked the door to the main dining hall and the two of you started to prepare for the movie by setting up all the chairs. To your utmost surprise, almost three fourth of the entire town was coming to the movie, or so Maria told you. The work was pure torture, but you kept your mouth shut in order to please her. Once you were all finished up, she put the movie next to the projector. The giant white screen in front of you would soon be filled with colours, something your mind still couldn't fully comprehend. 

The people started floating in as the minutes passed. You were stood by the entrance to count the heads of the kids among the crowd, making sure each and every one of them would soon have their own bucket of popcorn. As the people started taking their seats and the last few adults swarmed into the room, you saw someone familiar out in the snow, on their way to the entrance. You chuckled to yourself, thinking you were probably just imagining it, but as the person got closer Ellie's features got more and more clear. 

✓│𝘛𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘐𝘵 (Ellie Williams x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now