Chapter 6 - What

Começar do início

Blyke pats Remi on the back, consoling her. Sera waits a moment before speaking.

"Hey don't let it get to you... We made it out okay."

"...I see. So they managed to successfully convert "Lightning" too."

"You know?"

"Yeah, I read the file on it. Authorities have been trying to convert a handful of powerful abilities. I should've guessed they were getting them from vigilantes."

Blyke recalls something, and Remi racks through her brain to keep remembering things about the previous night.

"That EMBER guy, Brims... was using at least two abilities simultaneously. We were thinking how much it reminded us of John. And the other one with him from the start, Glacier? They both had claws combined with a different ability."

"From what I've read... Authorities are sourcing the conversion tech from a woman named Jane."


"That's right... And now, I'm certain... that Jane is John's mother."

Bottles of medicine scatter across the dining table.

Doc pours another bottle into a test tube, scowling. Leilah works across the table on her laptop.

"My girlfriend and three teens... living in my one-bedroom apartment... Not exactly the life I pictured for myself."

"'s only for a few days."


"So, the package they brought with them... They're ability amplifiers, you said?"

"Yeah, this isn't the first time I've seen it. Blyke was caught with it before... when he had a vigilante phase. Guess he's at it again! Back at Wellston... Vaughn asked me to take a look at it."

"Didn't you study this back in university?"

"It's not part of my job description..."

"But I refused because I didn't want any part in it."

"But now you do?"

"Well, I figured if it really has ability-altering properties... it might be helpful to Sera and John's recovery."

"Wow! That's brilliant, Darren!"

Leilah's face beams with pride, a smile across her face. In turn, Darren's scowl disappears. For the time being at least.

Tap tap tap tap

The 3 kids emerge from the bedroom, Blyke and Remi approaching Doc in the front.

"H-hey Doc! Long time no see... H-How've you been?"


Leilah gets out of her chair, while Doc stays back, sulking.

"Glad to see you both awake! I'm Leilah! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Hi! I'm Remi!"

Blyke stays in a trance while Remi introduces herself, in awe.

"She's stunning!! ... Hoho ~ Nice catch, Doc!"

Sending Doc some thumbs-up with a naughty grin, Doc's face turns even darker and angrier. Somehow.

"You better not be checking out my girlfriend, twerp!"

"Back to your shitty old vigilante habits, I see!"

"U-UH! ... D-Doc, we can explain!"

"Nah, save it! Everyone at Wellston's doing some type of illegal shit! Glad I got outta there!"

unOrdinary | VigilanteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora