Chapter Prologue: A Gacha Games & A New Life

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In a small cozy room softly illuminated by lamps atop a wooden table a man reclines on a comfortable couch momentarily glancing up from the book he's engrossed in to check the time on the wall clock. It already 8 PM realized he hasn't eaten dinner yet feeling too lazy to cook he opted to venture outside for a meal. Switching off the lamp, he locked the apartment door behind him the cold night air blush against his body as he strolls to his favorite ramen shop where he orders a steaming bowl of classic Tonkotsu ramen arrived he savor it favor as he finishes the meal and settles the bill before heading back home. Along the way at a dimly light alley cast long shadows as flash of movement caught the man eye he encounters a stray cat his fur color like the night emerged. To his surprise it were surprisingly friendly the feline brushed against his leg, purring insistently. He knelt down, offering a gentle chin scratch as the cat responded with a blissful rumble momentarily erasing the day's worries. But suddenly the cat bolted down the alley in a panic the frantic mewling tearing through the night in a panic leaving him puzzled the man rose to his feet. A deafening screech suddenly ripped through the air before he can react behind him appears a truck with robotic limbs like one of those transformer with lightning speed the robot's arms lunge forward crushing him into a grotesque mass of gore, blood, bone fragments and organs bits scatter in all directions painting a horrific scene in the dimly lit alley.


As the excruciating pain enveloped my entire being time seemed to freeze in the brutal blitz second. My entire life start replayed like a movie but it detached observation rather than a real reliving then everything went blank as void of darkness engulfed me. But the oblivion wasn't empty It was a suffocating darkness a void filled with a chilling emptiness. I guess there is really no soul huh? Yet, a paradox lingered if I were truly dead why could I still think? Is this the intermediary state between life and death? A purgatory or limbo between existence and nothingness? So many questions yet no one to answer them as I just "lay" there as the endless darkness stretched on... until... a pinprick of brilliance pierced though the suffocating darkness... there's light? As a glimmer of light emerged I abruptly opened my eyes. I were on a bed? I had to admit it's very comfortable... too comfortable it cradled me It cradled me in an impossible softness a material unknown yet strangely comforting like a warm cloud I felt like if I lay here too long I fell into a eternal slumber type of comfortable... As my instinct kick in tell me to get THE HELL UP! As I bolted upright looking at my surrounding... I'm alive? No it not possible this wasn't a sterile hospital room it just a empty void with bed in the center facing a lone door I get off the bed and approached the door taking a deep breath to steady myself with nothing to lose I open the door with a creak the door open to a vibrant colorful Arcane style room adorned with symbols and posters hung haphazardly depicting fantastical figures wielding otherworldly weapons, radiating unknown energies. Character Power Banners? Weapon Banners? Other-Power Banners? What is this? As I look around the room in a confused and wary a mystery voice echo though the room the voice boomed from every corner, vibrating through the very floor beneath my feet it feel powerful, ancient and laced with an undercurrent of amusement.

Author.P: So you're finally awake took you long enough [He said in a playful manner his voice laced with this subtle energy that sent shivers down my spine]

I whipped around to the source of the voice my gaze land on a slender man with glasses his piercing red eyes that seemed to pierce my very soul he stood bathed in a otherworldly glow. He wore a simple black outfit a t-shirt and trousers that seem out of place amidst the Arcane room. He exuded an unnerving calmness yet there was an aura of power emanating from him even applauding me gently as he approached. Despite the unsettling crimson irises they held an almost friendly glance.

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