[❤️] ~ Eight; Our secert

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(previously it was friday)
I sigh, today  is when the couches chooses who's actully making the cut so I am free to he with Dream and George.

"So sap how's it going with you admitting you have a massive crush on dream" George asked leaning aginst the wall.

I nipped my lip and looked to him as I softly blushed, "I made out with him on friday" I murmered.

Careful for sapphire not to hear it, because I don't want her to got to mom, who will yell at me for kissing my sisters man.

"Damn that's a huge step in the right dericton" George said patting my sholder softly.

I smiled softly as I look up Dream saw and ran right into my arms, I just smile and held him close to me.

"Good morning to you to little flower" I chuckled, saying it in a soft tone.

He smiled, "im happy to not have to be in sapphires room she flirted half the time, and wouldn't keep her shirt button" he murmered.

My face shifted as I played with his hair I looked to George, who also gave  off he was upset with this relation to.

"Sapnap why are you playing with sapps  man's hair" some guy said I blinked.

"Heh- I'm not aware of them being a thing" I sighed looking to Dream.

He only shook his head, "im not with sappfire"

Yeah~ instead you made out with her totally hot older brother.

"She said you are why would she lie" the guy pouted.

"Because she's obessed with my bestfriend" george  growled.

"No shes-" the guy arugged.

I growled, "and this is why you wore rejected."

He went quiet relzing who I was.


Bell rang and Dream headed to the bathroom. George grabed my arm.

"What is it, you and Dream are acting odd" he whispered.

I blushed some and said faintly, "we made out on my bed...shirtless?" I gulped.

"I totally  ship it but what about sapphire? It's gonna be a problem" he responded.

"Im unfortunately we'll aware" I sigh, "I don't care he enjoyed the sesh"

George chuckled, "ill go to class then"

I waved and headed to the bathroom going to find Dream in the window seal.

"Hey~ theirs pretty boy"  I say sudactively.

"Hey pandas" he'd look to me as I jumped up.

I moved putting my arm around  him kissing him soft. "To answer you're question. I'm jealous of her touching you"

He'd blush and looked to me. "Sapnap .."

"Yeah?" I asked faintly.

"Do you like this with beating hearts.." he asked.

My heart beated and I nod. "Yeah.."

He'd kiss me and I kissed back He'd say faintly.

"This is our secert" he'd purr.

I nod, "you're mine" I nuzzled him.

He'd nodded and cuddled into my chest as I kissed his neck and cheek happy with what has became, I'd hum.

"I love you mi amor" I purred in his neck as we'd start to puff and pass the vape once more.
How cute their secretly exclusive.

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