Sean's [Illusionist] quickly glowed with the upgrading light, intending to kill Ye Shaoyang. However, he found that Ye Shaoyang had disappeared. Sean guessed that Ye Shaoyang was hiding in the grass behind the tower, so he brought the minion wave over, patiently waiting for Ye Shaoyang to reveal himself.

Ye Shaoyang crouched in the grass, carefully observing. When the minion wave was left with only a sliver of health from the tower shots, he suddenly used the Q skill [Moon Blade Barrage], quickly securing the last hits and clearing the wave.

Seeing Ye Shaoyang expose himself, Sean decisively used his displacement skill to approach, stunning him with W, and then planning to follow up with QR combo to insta kill him.

However, at the moment Sean made his move, Ye Shaoyang immediately used Flash!

Both of their skills were almost pressed simultaneously, resulting in Sean successfully stunning Ye Shaoyang, but the QR skills exceeded the attack range, failing to hit him.

Sean promptly flashed forward, continuing with the combo.

- [Beimu Sean (Illusionist) has killed Tianhuan Lieyang (Moon Mage)]!

- [Tianhuan Lieyang (Moon Mage) has killed Beimu Sean (Illusionist)]!

Two messages popped up, one after the other.

Due to the cleared minion wave, the tower would attack enemies within its range. When Ye Shaoyang was clearing minions earlier, a few basic attacks hit Sean. Although Sean killed him under the tower, he was also killed by the tower.

The result was that just as Ye Shaoyang fell in the mid lane, Sean also bit the dust.

Mu Mu excitedly exclaimed, "This is a trade of kills in the mid lane!"

Dong Ge chuckled, saying, "Sean initiated the kill on Lieyang, securing the first blood gold reward. However, Lieyang intentionally hit him while clearing minions, and since Sean died under the tower, the kill will be credited to Lieyang. It's a fair exchange this time."

When the enemy dives under your tower, if all you can do is escape, not only will they likely kill you, but you also won't get the reward for their death. Ye Shaoyang accurately predicted that Sean would definitely kill him in this exchange. So, he chose to cut his losses, traded some damage, and got the kill, making it not a loss.

The supportive ability of [Illusionist] in attack damage surpasses [Moon Mage]. As long as Sean falls, Tianhuan's top and bottom lanes can safely farm for a while.

In the top lane, there's no need to worry much. Lao Qin chose [Kung Fu Master] for its relative flexibility with a displacement skill. Although Xiao Zhao's [Berserker] has high burst damage, a full combo can't instantly take down [Kung Fu Master]. Even if Lao Qin can't win the lane against him, he won't get solo-killed, at most sneaky farming and waiting for late-game team fights.

In the bottom lane, Cheng Xing's [Divine Archer] has a very long attack range. Standing under the tower, he can clear minions, making it difficult for Zhao Xinping to dive and kill the marksman. Zhao Xinping can control the river crab and focus on economic details.

As expected, Chi Shuo reached level 6 and supported the bottom lane. The three of them worked together to force Zhao Xinping back, followed by taking the Rift Herald.

Mu Mu commented, "Reaching level 6 and supporting the bottom lane, driving the enemies away, and then taking advantage to secure the Rift Herald. It seems like this is a rhythm that Captain Chi likes? They played similarly in the last game."

Dong Ge added, "In the previous game, Xiao Zhao's support was very quick, teaming up with Sean to quickly eliminate Lieyang. However, in this game, both Lieyang and Sean just had a 1v1 exchange in the mid lane, and both went back to base. Tianhuan should easily secure the Rift Herald now. Xiao Zhao is too far away, and it's too late for him to go there."

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