IV. Shitty eyebrows

Start from the beginning

Upon the sight of it, the four titan shifters were ready to blow your titan's stomach. They didn't trust you, at least your titan perhaps, enough that they were ready to draw blood and transform and escape your monstrosity. You reassured them though, again, just a little malfunction.

" Hang for a little longer if you don't want don't those scouts to catch you! Consider this as something that you owe me from! "

They be damned that they're barely hanging with your enormous spikes. You warned them not to touch it so much though, said that it could drill their body into shreds that it made Eren stop his curses towards the other three. They were fighting a lot alright, hearing about the things related to this person, 'Krista' or whatever.  You had nothing to do with it anyway but would it harm if you eavesdrop a little? Curiosity kills the cat they say, but you saw yourself as a chameleon. You could stay silent and stealth, morph with your surroundings and no one would see you and acknowledge. Something that you have to train for, for years. As long as you weren't the topic, someone to be concerned about in their conversation, you could stay silent.

" Blonde and blue eyes? Small and...cute? " You spoke through the microphone and seeing Reiner nod was what you needed. The plan was simple, lure them through the forest until you could find that one girl they were so desperate to take a grasp on. Apparently, she was a royal blood. Reiner have briefly explained to you that she shared the blood of the founding titan. You didn't get it that much, but you were starting to catch on. Only brief explainations were given to you from them, but mostly Reiner. He said that he wanted to give everything that you needed to ask for once you were alone together with Bertolt, after this escape was finished. As much as you were itching to know, it felt it was needed to be kept only between the three of you.

From your memories, it seemed like only you and the two were close unlike the other two.

You were starting to see horses with the scouts on your trail. Finally, they've caught on.

You controlled the titan's tongue to hang in the the trees, but made sure that the branches that you were grasping on was thick enough to keep you away from falling. This trees were strong enough than what you expected it to be, given the strength your titan had. You checked the cameras and on the side of your little pod full of buttons and control levers and such — noticing that out of all the five screens, only two were now only working. It was three seconds ago, on the front of the titan, the back, and the one for where the four was hidden. The frontal camera just have to shut down, huh?

But that didn't matter, your workspace wasn't hidden from sight, it was covered in completely see through glass so you could, still. The only difference is that the frontal camera could give you a wide view for everything in your front, but with your own vision, it was limited. You jumped down effortlessly on the ground and used the four legs of the titan to run. Glancing at the camera for the back, you could see a hoard of scouts.

They were scouts, responsible for eliminating titans outside the walls and titan research as Reiner have explained. 

You squinted your eyes better at the camera to try and catch any glimpse of a blonde girl, a cute one at that. But they were stood a few couple of bad feet away from you that your left eye couldn't see clearly. Curse your right eyeball for being plunged out, your left one could be no use of it was going to start blurring your vision soon.

You continued to run though, the sight of light, the exit of the forest was coming into view. You paid no mind to the hooded people attacking the outer body of your titan. Funny that they were attacking your neck. You wanted to shout at them that it was no use even if they continue to do that, even for a hundred times. Did they not know that you were connected to the heart of the titan? Of course they didn't, they were ignorant when it came to your—

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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