Chapter 1: Homeless/Castle Dimitrescu

Start from the beginning

Daniela: What about me momma?

Alcina: If you would Daniela.. fetch more firewood for our guest please

Daniela: Yes mom (Swarms off)

(Time Skip)

(As time went by Joshua was recovering from his near death from the deadly snowstorm that almost took his life.. and as he rests the door opens and two women with the same hooded dresses entered the room)

Joshua: W-who a-are y-you two?

Cassandra: Don't be alarmed darling we mean you no harm...I am Cassandra Dimitrescu and this is my sister Daniela Dimitrescu (Smiles)

Daniela: Nice to meet you (Smiles)

Joshua: W-wait.. there was another woman with that last name

Cassandra: Ah.. so you've must've met our sister Bela

Joshua: W-wait.. Bela is ya'lls sister?

Daniela: Mhm

Joshua: I-I didn't know that

Cassandra: Well you do now.. oh an by the way here is some soup to help you regain some of your strength (Hands the man the bowl) I hope this helps

Daniela: And we brought more firewood to help you warm up to

Joshua: T-thank you mistress Cassandra and mistress Daniela

Cassandra: (Giggles) Your welcome.. and please.. just call me Cassandra (Smiles)

Daniela: And you can just call me Daniela (Smiles)

Joshua: S-sorry I-I didn't want to be disrespectful

Cassandra: No need to be sorry dear.. we're just happy to help you.. now if you'll excuse us we need to go back to our mother an let her know we did what she asked of us.. for now just continue getting some much needed rest ok

Joshua: O-ok t-thank you

Cassandra: Of course (Smiles)

(The two girls exit the room and make their way back towards their mother's private chambers)

Daniela: We're back mother.. we did just like you asked

Alcina: Good work...Cassandra, Daniela and Bela you are dismissed

(The three girls swarm off as Alcina exited her chambers and walked towards the guest room.. after a few minutes she opens the door.. the rattling of the door woke Joshua up and as he opened his eyes he saw a very tall woman with a white dress and a black hat.. Joshua was scared seeing the tall lady before him, Alcina noticed the man shaking)

Alcina: It's alright young man.. there's no need to be afraid

Joshua: W-who are you (I spoke nervously)

Alcina: Pardon me for not introducing myself...I am lady Dimitrescu or Alcina as some people call me that as that is my normal name.. I am the ruler of house Dimitrescu

Joshua: T-this is your home?

Alcina: Mhm.. and I believe you already met my daughters

Joshua: Y-your daughters.. h-hold o-on y-you mean those three girls that came in here?

Alcina: (Chuckles) You are correct

Joshua: A-and.. w-were you the one w-who brought me -in

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