Someone take me home

Start from the beginning

"Hurts a lot." Ren starts crying and Hitoshi holds still as best he can trying to not shift at all.

"I think we've got an old brace we could use or tie a cloth to stop your knee jostling." Hizashi offers but Ren shakes her head that would feel too trapped, what if something happened and then she couldn't get away? Maybe they're really with Dad and just pretending to be nice? Ren feels herself shifting instead of Hitoshi's back he's now holding her supporting her back with his hand.

"Name five things you see." Why does he want her to do that? oh no they'd had Silver where is she now?! She keeps panicking this is so bad she shouldn't have run away now she's going to be in so much trouble! Would Dad make her kill someone again? She really is an awful kid, why are they being nice? Why can't the world just make sense? Her brain keeps frantically freaking out losing all sense of what's going on around her she just needs to get away and run this is a trap or at least she's pretty sure, it has to be right?!

Shota decides they need help, they're used to trauma victims but Ren is such an enigma. Hound dog should know what to do so he texts him.

Therapy doge: online

                                                                                                              Hello Hound Dog, Mic and I need help with                                                                                                                a child we rescued.

Oh? well, what specifically do you need my                                                                                                        help with?

                                                                                                              She keeps switching between completely                                                                                                                  fine and absolutely petrified, we suggested                                                                                                                getting her a brace for her knee and she                                                                                                                      panicked until she passed out after                                                                                                                                hyperventilating too much. 

Hm, can you send me her case file so I can                                                                                                                read it over I can't do much to help unless                                                                                                                 I know more.

                                                                                                              File sent, Ren [redacted] case folder

Alright, I'll get back to you, for now, if there's                                                                                                            someone she feels particularly safe around                                                                                                              try and make sure they're around also                                                                                                                        anything you've found she enjoys is good.

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