2 : Rae's Nightmares (INSPIRED)

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(Spoilers in Lilly Lillium and Prince Yu's Secret Arc! 11! 1!)

This was inspired by another fiction, I forgot the name but yeah this ain't original

Trigger Warning : Su1c1d3, over thinking, bullying, and homophobia. don't read if your triggered by this pls.. -

This is an AU where Shiiko and Kosaki bullied Rei because she was lesbo, and Misaki was the one there for her. Misaki in here is still transexual, and Shiiko and Kosaki found out and bullied both Rei and Misaki to the point Misaki ends up doing the r0pe. After, Shiiko confesses to Rae and Rae finds out Shiiko was actually jealous of Misaki and wanted her 💀. Rae rejects her and Shiiko was heartbroken she 💀. They haven't made up, and Rei still can't move on from it. She didn't tell anyone, though.


It had been 4 weeks, ever since Rae's nightmares started to ascend. Every night it kept her from sleeping, Misha had been noticing it, too. Some nights she would wake up from the sound of Rae's scream of terror and fear, as a best friend would do. She had tried to get Rae out of her shell and open up, but to her suprise she shrugged it off and slept.



I hear his voice steep low near me, I knew he was behind me. I could not move from my position, it was a struggle.

I attempt to turn around, to see the sight of my best friend Misaki. His face was pale, all the color from his wrists and neck was all gone, I gasp. Seeing a burn mark on his neck, I slowly back up. But he kept coming closer and closer.

"Why, Rae?"

He silently whined. I could feel his hitched breath everywhere, he did not have a face, I couldn't recognize him. I couldn't remember what he looked like.

Panicked, my shoulders recoil due to the fact I felt cold hands on my arms.

"You would consider me, won't you, Rei?"

Shiiko, who liked me at my worst. Appeared out of thin air, they both surround me.

I drop to the empty floor, all of it was dark. I could only feel their presence around me. My breath feels shallow, and hard to catch. My eyesight resulted being blurry.

Their words harshly stab me in the chest, it hurt me.

The never ending torrent of words and noise continues to attack me, I held onto my ears, covered in hopes to defend myself from all these words, but it wouldn't help. Warm tears dropped down to my face, I realized I was crying.

I clenched my eyes shut. The words hit like an euphoria.

"Rei.. It's your fault, isn't it?"
"Why didn't you consider me?"

The words were the same, but still. It hit me like a salty wave ocean. It was painful to hear, even with my hands over my ears. The words still force me to attend them.

The words were the same, until.

"Your a lesbo."
"Pfft- didn't know you kiss girls, Rei."

I continue to sob, when did I get here? What did I do to get here?

Thoughts spreaded through my mind like a virus. I want it all to stop.

Laughter was heard, and it was loud. Loud enough to be mistaken as a speaker.

Please stop.


Claire POV

"R-Rae! Why are you crying-- wake up!"

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