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I was on my phone scrolling through Instagram. Someone bumped into me. I dropped my phone. I picked up my phone and said watch where your going. I looked up. It was Rhea Ripley. Rhea said I can't believe they moved you up. I said why? Jealous you're no longer the hottest goth girl here. Rhea said no I'm not. You're nothing compared to me. I smiled and said your jealous is showing and it really doesn't look good on you. Now stay out of my way. I walked away.

I walked over to Becky and Seth and said hey can you tell me about Sasha? Becky said she's a royal bitch why? I said she just got moved up. Seth said is Rhea jealous now that you you have some competition for hottest goth girl on Raw. I said literally shut up. But what's her deal? Like why is she so hateful? Seth said nobody knows actually. We call her Jade West around here. I said I can see why. She's a true bitch. That's great I'm working with the modern day Jade Wedt. Seth said Sasha's been like that since she came to the company. I said how do y'all deal with her? Becky said we basically ignore her. I said how do you ignore that? Becky said it's hard. But I would keep your distance from her. I said why? Seth said she's nothing but drama. I said I'm guessing she's a rich girl. Becky said her dad is a big time lawyer and her mom is a brain surgeon. So yeah she's a spoiled rich goth girl. I said great. I've had to deal with those my whole life. Now I have to deal with one here. Becky said yeah. I said ugh I have a feeling that she's gonna make my life up here a living hell. Becky said she's gonna try to. I said I'm not gonna let some little rich girl ruin my life. Seth said keep that attitude. Because Sasha does not care. She's not intimidated by anybody. I said well she hasn't fought me yet. My phone buzzed.

Stephanie: come to my office please

Me: okay

I said I have to go. I'll see you later. Becky said okay bye. I went to Stephanie's office. I walked in. Sasha was sitting there. I said what's up? Mark said you and Sasha are gonna start a storyline. Sasha said what type? Stephanie said a feud. I said alright, when? Stephanie said tonight on Raw. Sasha said alright. Stephanie said I want Sasha to mess with your mind. Sasha said oh I can do that real well. Stephanie said alright. Rhea don't kill Sasha. I said can't promise I won't. Sasha said as if you could touch me. Is that all? Mark said yes. Tiffany said alright, bye. Sasha walked out. I followed her and said hey Sasha. Sasha turned around and said yes. I said what's your deal? Sasha said this is my deal. I seen your half assed storyline with Charlotte, Shayna and Bianca. They might've been okay with a C- storyline. But I'm not satisfied with a C-. I want an A+ storyline. I know you didn't do well in school growing up. But that means you need to step up your game or go back to NXT for more training. Because I'm not carrying this storyline. This is a 50/50 thing not a 90/10. I already did that with Becky Lynch and I refuse to do it again. Do you understand? I said you can stop talking to me like a child. Sasha crossed her arms and start acting like a damn adult. I said to clarify I won't have to act like I hate you. I already wanna kick your skull in. Sasha said is that supposed to scary me? Listen sweetheart you do not scare me. I said and you do not scare me. Sasha said awesome then I should get what I want. I'll see you tonight. Sasha walked away. I said oh my god I could strangle her. I walked in the other direction....

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