Meeting Me

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Hi I'm Sasha. Nobody really likes me. Because I'm so mean and hateful. But I'm only like that towards my coworkers. Outside of WWE I'm one of the nicest people you'll ever meet. It's like a completely different person. But my on screen character is literally like Jade West I'm a beautiful ruthless bitch. I don't really like my coworkers. They're all two faced and fake. They think I don't hear what they say about me. But I don't really care if they hate me or not. I'm here to make money, take titles and make a name for myself. I'm not here to make friends. I don't have time for that. I have friends outside this company that I'm perfectly fine with. Anyways I'm 25 years old. I've been wrestling since I was 20. I also did gymnastics 90% of my life. I grew up in LA but moved to Orlando when I turned 18 so I could come work for WWE. But now I currently reside in LA with my best friends friends. I was trained by The Undertaker and Kane. I am more then a wrestler. People assume I've dated a lot of people because I'm hot. But in reality I've literally only dated maybe 3 people my whole life. So yeah that's a little bit about me. You'll find out more soon....

WWE just went darkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora