Atlas turned around to look at the man who was downing a vile of morphing, clearing his throat as he starts to talk,
"Select students, faculty, and of course, Dr. Gaul. I have summoned you all today for the 10th annual Hunger Games, in which we chose two tributes from each district to throw them into the Capitol Arena to fight to the death in the Hunger Games." Atlas overheard Clemencia whispering something to Coriolanus about how he shouldn't be speaking in public; he agreed, the Dean looked like a mess, it was obvious that he wanted the games to stop,
"And here sit... our own 24 top prospects, all waiting to hear the results of hard study, in this prestigious institution, eager to learn who's won that Plinth Prize, no doubt, and a golden future. However, I am here to tell you that there has been a change this year, one final assignment to prove your worth. Because... the esteemed citizens of the Capitol have grown bored of the games, and simply aren't watching anymore. And if the games are to continue at all, there must be an audience." He starts to chuckle as the students look at him in confusion, "So, head game-maker Dr. Gaul has stepped in to... incentivise patriotic values with her own unique flair, staring with you," He point at the students sat in rows of six, "The Plinth Prize will no longer be determined by who has the best grades." The students all stared at him in shock, all their efforts had just been thrown out the window just so a useless TV show could get more views.
"Excuse me?" Arachne exclaimed,
"But by who is the best mentor in the Hunger Games." The Dean continued, "This is a brand new role. As the Reaping progresses live, I will allocate each district tribute a Capitol mentor behind the scenes, one who must persuade them to perform for the cameras."
"Obviously, the best mentor will be the one whose tribute wins the Games." Festus added. Atlas agreed with him, what was the point of your tribute winning if you don't win the the prize.
"What if I get a pathetic little runt girl from one of the poor districts like 8 or 12? There just gonna die in two minutes like they did last year and the year before." Arachne complained,
"Your role is to turn these children into spectacles, Ms. Crane. Not survivors," Atlas was shocked to say the least, not only did they want to send children to fight to the death, but to make it more entertaining, he did not want to do that, but he also wanted to Plinth Prize and would have to do so to achieve it.
"Victory in the Games is only one of our considerations, your entire future rests on this last project. Oh, and I must tell you that anyone caught cheating to give their tributes an unfair advantage..." He chuckles again, "will have no future at all." Atlas turns to Sejanus who's eyes had not left the floor the entire time, he felt bad. Sejanus despises the Games and now he has to mentor a tribute, it seemed harsh to Atlas. He's torn away from his thoughts as he notices the Dean taking a seat in front of his and Arachne's legs.

"Oh! Here we go, let the Reaping ceremony begin." The two screens showed up with the first pair of tributes, they were from district 1.
"District 1. Boy goes to Livia Cardew," The girl gasps as the audience applauds, "Girl goes to Palmyra Month. District 2 boy... how apt, boy goes to Sejanus Plinth." Atlas immediately turned to look at his friends, his eyes were still stuck to the floor. He gave Sejanus as reassuring look as Coriolanus congratulated him,
"You got the pick of the litter."
"You forget that i'm part of that litter." Sejanus snapped back, tears welling up in his eyes. Atlas turned his focus back to the Reaping, waiting for his name to get called.
"4, boy. Persephone Price. Girl Festus Creed." Festus smirked, he knew his tribute had a good chance at winning, and that's what Atlas hoped he could have to, "7, girl. Pup Harrington, Boy, Vispania Sickle." Atlas was becoming nervous, although he'd hate to admit it, the thought of getting a young tribute who couldn't do anything would lose his spot for the Plinth Prize and then all his work for ten years would have been for nothing,
"District 9, girl goes to Atlas Carlson"


Iris Darnell stood waiting in the crowds of people, wishing that the reaping could finish already. She kept her head facing straight forward as she tried to not focus on what happened four years ago, it's all she ever did. The girl watched as the mayor walked up to the microphone, beginning his reaping speech
"Welcome ladies and gentlemen, the reaping of the 10th hunger games," He announced with the same monotonous tone he had every year, "Let's start off with the boys first." He made his way over to the bowl of names, swirling his hand around in the jar before picking up the slip of paper. The mayor returned to the microphone and carefully unfolded the piece of paper, he cleared his throat and read, "The male tribute is Asher Crow." The crowd turned their heads to face the unlucky boy. Iris was holding back a smirk, she hated that boy's guts. Asher would bully her for everything she did, and Iris was tired of it. Asher staggered down the gravel aisle, tripping over his feet as he did. When he had made it to the stage, Asher had a face full of fear, his bottom lip was quivering and he could not stand still. Iris grinned at the sight of it, he was finally getting what he deserved.

"Now time for the girls." The mayor spoke, tearing Iris away from her thoughts. The man advanced over towards the other bowl, copying the same action he did at the other bowl. Plucking the folded piece of paper out of the bowl, he walked back over to the microphone and opened the paper, "The female tribute for district 9 is..." Iris' heart was racing, she was praying that it wasn't her. But much to her disappointment, "Iris Darnell" her name left the mayor's mouth. The now- tribute appeared out of the crowd and trudged her way over to the stage. She felt everyone's eyes on her, some were sympathetic, others had no emotion at all. When she made it to the stage, Iris stood beside Asher, not acknowledging the boy. She stood still, not wanting to draw any more attention to her than she already had- which was practically impossible. After the mayor finished his speech, the two tributes were dragged away from the stage by peacekeepers. They walked for a couple of minutes until they got to a train station, both Iris and Asher were shoved inside of the train. But it wasn't a regular cart, it was an animal one.

words: 1908

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