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(I can't use any season 3 pictures cause they don't exist but I will still grace you with Chishiya from the previous seasons)

The day had finally came, Mine and Chishiya's wedding. Nothing had happened since finding that card, it confused us both, maybe it was just a normal card and we just somehow remembered. Chishiya and I had been arguing quite a lot recently, I had reverted back to my old self after losing my friends and my sister. Chishiya tried to understand but he couldn't, not really. He would start getting angry with me and we would argue with one another. We had even got to the point where we both said we didn't want to marry each other anymore. But here I was standing in a ridiculous white wedding dress, my mother was putting the veil on my head. "Do I have to seriously marry him?" I asked my mother sighing. "Yes you do, he's your fiance and soon to be husband. You need to respect him" My mother told me sighing. "I look stupid" I said as she turned me around so I could look in the mirror. "No you don't. You look beautiful" My mother said shaking her head at me. "We are ready for you" Dachi said staring at me. "My twin sister looks amazing" Dachi grinned. "See" My mother said smirking. I rolled my eyes, "Here, don't forget this" My mother said handing me my wedding bouqet. Red roses. At least it was my favourite flower. 

"I don't want to marry him" I told Dachi when my mother walked out of the room. "I know you have been having trouble together but back in the other world, you loved each other so much apparently to Chishiya" Dachi said sighing. I sighed and walked out of the room with Dachi, he led me to a car and I was driven to the nearest church. Chishiya will think this is all stupid, he will probably laugh at me. We had gone back to the start with our relationship, my fault. I got out of the car, my mother helping me because I nearly tripped over the dress. "Fucking dress" I muttered annoyed. "Yasmin, you are a lady and ladies do not swear!" My mother told me off. I sighed in response, My mother walked me over to my father, he wanted to walk me down the aisle. I wasn't too happy about that because he got me in this situation in the first place but there was no arguing with my father. 

"My daughter looks beautiful" My father said holding his arm out. I sighed annoyed and took his arm, I could hear the stupid wedding song starting, I shook my head as my father opened the doors. Dachi walked in first then my mother walked in after. My turn now I guess. I walked in with my father, he walked me slowly down the aisle, people stared at me. Chishiya turned around and looked at me, he was wearing a black suit with a white rose on it. His face was unreadable as I approached him. My father let go of my arm as soon as I reached Chishiya. He smiled at me and then went to sit down. My veil was over my face, my mother's idea. I looked at Chishiya and he looked at me. The priest started talking and everyone's attention turned to him including mine and Chishiya's. 

I can't believe I am being forced to marry him and everyone around me except from Dachi and Chishiya is smiling about it. Chishiya had to say his vows and he turned to me, I looked at him. He finished saying his vows then it was my turn. I said my vows sighing. "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" The priest said smiling. Kiss me? Jeez, it had been ages since we kissed. Chishiya awkwardly lifted my veil over my face and looked at me, I sighed and so did he. Ages ago we wanted this, we actually wanted this and now.. I wasn't so sure we did anymore. Chishiya awkwardly leant forward to me and then kissed me. I gave him a quick kiss back then we both pulled away. We turned to the crowd watching us, "Hold her hand!" Dachi joked making me glare at him. Chishiya sighed and held my hand as we walked down the aisle together. I was now his wife.. Two people in this entire world you would never expect to get married or even fall in love in the first place. 

As soon as we stepped outside of the church, photographers asked to take pictures. "Their first wedding photo" Chishiya's mother said grinning happily. I sighed as Chishiya wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek for the picture. He didn't want to piss off his parents so he was just doing what they wanted. 

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