"Alright, we will stay together and look for the curse together. Hopefully, we can finish before the school day is over" Nanami laid out the plan

"Sounds good" 

I followed Nanami as he led the way through the halls of the hospital. Each dark room made me feel like something was going to jump out at us. There was a crash in a room that scared me enough to grab onto the sleeve of Nanami's jacket. 

"It's just a cat," Nanami said as he pointed to a gray cat who was coming out of the room

"Sorry Nanami," I replied

I was about to let go of his sleeve when Nanami said "You can hold on to my sleeve if it makes you feel safer"

"Thanks" I was grateful for his kindness

We had walked the whole bottom floor without finding the curse so now we were going to the second floor. The energy on this floor was more intense than downstairs. The curse had to be on this floor. 

"Nanami how many curses have you defeated?" I asked becoming more curious about my quiet upperclassman

"I don't keep count" his response was quick and blunt

He didn't seem too interested in talking to me so I didn't say anything further. However, Nanami was the next to speak "So why did Gojo want to trade partners with me so bad?" Nanami asked

God, I wasn't even near Gojo and couldn't get away from him. 

"He has it in his mind that I am his future wife" I spat in disgust

I thought I heard Nanami chuckle but I couldn't be certain as he was in front of me. I was being dragged behind him while I was still holding his sleeve.

"So you don't like Gojo?" Nanami asked his voice steady as ever

I rolled my eyes "Of course not" 

"Well he'll be disappointed to hear tha-"

I couldn't hear Nanami finish his sentence as I was surrounded by a black mist. Nanami's sleeve disappeared from my hand. When I tried to reach for him again nothing was there. The black mist disappeared revealing that I was now in a room. I hadn't rember being in here before. This room felt heavy like all the bad energy in the hospital was in there. 

A growling was coming from behind me freezing me in my spot. It wasn't until something wrapped around my wrist did I turn to look at the thing. The curse had wrapped a black tentacle around my wrist. The curse had a humanoid body except for the deer antlers protruding out of its head. It had four tentacles coming from its back and one was wrapped around my wrist. The curse was completely black except for its red eyes and yellow teeth. Its mouth was pulled into a large smile. 

"You look good enough to eat my darling" the curse's voice crackled like a static radio as it pulled me closer

I had been frozen in fear until I was being pulled. The closer I got the wider the curses mouth pulled apart. When I was close enough to feel his hot breath on my face my survival instincts took over. I punch the curse in the face just like Maki had showed me. It wasn't enough to knock it out but it was enough to make the curse release me. As soon as I was out of the curses grasp I took off running. I ran out of the room and into the hallway. It was uncertain which floor I was on but I just kept running. The curse hadn't taken long to recover as it was chasing me down the hall.

"NANAMI-" I shouted for him knowing I couldn't defeat the curse myself "-NANAMI HELP" 

I might have been fast but the curse was just as fast. The dark energy it was emitting was right behind me. The curse could have caught me at any moment but he was enjoying my fear. That was the only reason he kept toying with me. 

The tears brimming my eyes at the thought of dying to this curse. There was no help. I was dead. 

"Get down Y/n" 

It was Nanami's voice. Even though I wanted to keep running I listened to Nanami. I fell to the ground my body sliding across the dirty hospital floor. I cover the top of my head trying to protect it. Then there was a gust of wind followed by a sicking squishy sound. I stayed there on the ground too afraid to move. It was quiet now neither the curse nor Nanami had made a sound. 

A hand touches my shoulder causing me to flinch "It's me Y/n" 

I looked to see Nanami standing there. He helped me off the floor. There was a large blade in his hand that he had used to kill the curse. "Let's head out," Nanami said after he wrapped his blade in a strange pattern cloth before putting it away. 

I followed Nanami as he led the way through the hospital. There was a guilty feeling in my gut. I felt so useless today I wasn't able to help Nanami at all. By the time we got out of the hospital, I had let out several sighs. 

"I am sorry I wasn't able to help any" I mutter in a small voice

Nanami stopped to look at me "Why do you think you didn't help" he asked

I fidget under his gaze "Well I wasn't helpful" 

Now Nanami was the one to sigh "Of course you helped. You lead the curse right to me. Also, that was your first encounter with a curse and you didn't die that was impressive" 

"If I was stronger I could have killed it myself," I said still bringing myself down

"You'll kill a curse one day just keep training. If you need help I don't mind training with you" Nanami's offer made me happy

Nanami was walking again and I happily followed behind him. 

"Do you promise to train me" I cheerfully asked

"Sure-" Nanami paused for a moment "-just don't tell Gojo. There is no way I want to deal with a jealous Gojo" 

I couldn't help but laugh at the request.

"Thanks for everything Nanami" 

I guess all the third weren't perverts, crazy, or dangerous. At least there was one-third year who I could rely on. 





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