Then the entire place is taken over with a complete silence before long interrupted by someone's approving shout seconded by more and more voices.

''So be it.'' - sums up her declamation Baldwin, patently proud of the future queen. ''I hereby announce that the discussion concerning the wedding is over.''

When the king proceeds to another political issue, one of ladies-in-waiting struggles to discreetly come up to lady (Y/N). ''M'lady...'' - calls in a muffled tone Elvira as she moves closer to pass a message: ''Countess Agnes of Courtenay desires to see you right now.''

Baffled lady (Y/N) rapidly turns to her and asks in an undertone: ''Isn't she...''

''The king's mother. Yes.'' - finishes sturdily Elvira, both of them well aware that it can't be just any ordinary family meeting.

''I shall take a leave then.'' In the company of a few courtiers lady (Y/N) makes her way toward the chambers for guests where countess Agnes usually regales her visitors. In the midst of the porch surrounded with scarlet pearl curtains and filled with the flowery aroma sits at the round table a dignified woman holding a bronze cup. ''Greetings, countess Agnes...'' Timid lady (Y/N) deeply curtsies and the countess with a warm smile benignly gestures her to walk in.

'' Timid lady (Y/N) deeply curtsies and the countess with a warm smile benignly gestures her to walk in

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''Take a seat, my dear.'' One of her servants puts down between them a large plate with snacks and pours the guest some jasmine tea. ''When I heard another Komnene woman is going to join the royal family, I was devastated at first, but after learning who is your mother I let out a sigh of relief.'' Her sincere beam surprises lady (Y/N), who expected a more formal and stodgy conversation. ''She's still my great friend, though I haven't seen for years. Pray tell me how does she fare now? I heard her health hasn't been good lately.''

''Ah, yes. Sadly, physicians didn't allow my mother to attend my wedding.'' - replies wistfully lady (Y/N) and bitterly smiling, looks down at her already lukewarm drink.

''Is that so...'' - clicks her tongue chagrined countess Agnes. ''If you would like any advice, do not hesitate to ask me.''

''Of course. I'll keep your kind words in mind.''

''You have to know, my dear child, that as a queen of Jerusalem awaits you quite a challenge. It won't be any less easier than in Byzantium, this I can assure you as a former king's wife. Did you know I could've been a queen consort just like you? Now you might be wondering why I wasn't...'' All of a sudden her bright facial expression rapidly changes into a gloomy one.

Around thirty years ago...

''I grew up in Edessa but it never was peaceful there, we were notoriously attacked by Zengi's forces. My parents, as if they foresaw what was going to happen next, made me marry a rich man when I was still a child to secure me mainly financially. I disliked that man, so whenever he was out participating battles, I was enjoying my free time alone. During one of my frivolous trips I met a young prince and we immediately became close friends. I remember that we used to sneak out of the castle to play together outside. I wasn't aware yet that he developed a deep affection for me. Later he wrote a letter in which he confessed his feelings but I decided to ignore him because our love was forbidden. Then my first husband died in a battle and my father was captured. It wasn't safe there anymore, so my mother sold the residence and next we moved out - I, her, and my younger siblings - to settle down in Antioch. That's where I met lord Hugh and I fell in love with him at the first sight. Soon after he proposed to me. I thought back then that I finally had all I wanted. However, he had to join in a battle right before our wedding. He promised he'd come back soon, so I continued all needed preparations for the ceremony. The big day came and I was waiting for his arrival, already wearing a bridal gown. Suddenly, the weather changed and on the horizon showed up a sandstorm heading toward the town. Servants were saying it was a bad omen but I didn't want to believe their words. The door of my bedchamber opened and, assuming it was lord Hugh, I ran into his arms. ''My lady.''

I frowned in disbelief when I realized it wasn't him

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I frowned in disbelief when I realized it wasn't him. ''Amalric?! What are you doing here?''

''I've come to see you. Don't you remember me?''

''I do, but you should be going now. My beloved will be here soon.''

''He won't.'' - he interrupted me in a sudden cold tone.

''What? What do you mean?''

''He...'' Amalric lowered his head sadly, faking his sympathy for me. ''He hasn't returned from the battle.''

''What are you talking about?'' I felt tears gathering in the corners of my eyes when I saw his pitiful look. ''It can't be...'' I fell to my knees in bewilderment. ''No, no!!''

He knelt next to me and cupped my face. ''Now that Hugh is no longer here, why don't you marry me? I'll treat you better than him, I promise.''

''You're my great friend but we can't get married. You know it well.''

''Your guests are already waiting, my dear. It'd be a scandal if you called off the wedding, especially when your family desperately needs a strong ally for protection. As you can see, our marriage is the only way to save you.''

I was so devastated that I didn't care about it any longer, what I later regretted deeply. ''...Then I'll marry you...''

Yes, I married him, although thereafter I found out Hugh was alive but hold in captivity. My new husband was a remarkable man who truly loved me. Though I was reluctant to be with him at first, in no time we became lovers, caring for each other. But he had a weakness - his desire for power. The moment his older brother passed away, he set off to claim the throne. To become a king there was one condition - to get us separated. He didn't even hesitate and married Maria Komnene. No wonder, she was young and from a prominent family. I was then forced to leave the court and the castle I used to call home, being dragged outside before my children's very eyes. I will never forget the sight of crying little Baldwin and Sybilla...''

The countess bursts into tears at the memory of partying ways with her children. ''And yet if breaking my heart wasn't enough, they forbade me from meeting my own children, just not to leave a single piece of my broken heart...'' Tearfully, lady (Y/N) delicately puts her hand on a clenched fist of the countess as a sign of her sympathy. ''When I learned about my dear Baldwin's illness, I couldn't forgive them for not taking better care of him. If I was there with my son, maybe he...'' All of a sudden, her voice cracks and still sobbing, she hisses while gesturing dramatically: ''They took everything from me but there's one thing they will never take. The title of queen mother!'' Astounded lady (Y/N) watches with frown countess Agnes now seething with anger, though tears haven't dried yet on her face. ''That's why I'm warning you, my dear child, never let your guard down in this castle.'' Leaning forward in her wicker chair, countess Agnes reaches out to take (Y/N)'s hands in her own to place there a silver ring adorned with a white pearl. ''It was meant for my little girl, Alix, but since she didn't survive infancy it has always been kept in the box. I believe you will be the right owner of this precious ring. (Y/N), take this gift as the symbol of my support for you.'' Lady (Y/N) gingerly puts it on her index finger, pondering how it really is to be a queen. Soon she will know it...

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