𝙩𝙬𝙤. war

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"You're in a daze"

Y/N snapped out of her thoughts and looked up at her husband who was already up a while ago, he fixed her messy hair and cupped her cheek.

"You look sad, did you not enjoy last night-"

Y/N shook her head and unconsciously brought the blanket up her body and hugged it.

"No, it's not that, it's actually the opposite" she said, reassuring him. "It's just that, I thought...is this okay?"

Gojo looked confused but waited for her to continue.

"I mean, I feel guilty that I feel happy, and enjoying every moment with you, I love every second we spend with each other, yet I can't help but feel guilty that I'm feeling joy when we're in the verge of breaking war"

Gojo looked surprised but then let her head lean on his chest and carresed her shoulder.

"Don't be guilty" he said. "We have been working hard for this country. And we are still doing everything we can. I will do everything I can to give you, our future children, and the rest of our fellow countrymen a bright future"

Y/N hummed. "I'm sorry I look so down when I'm supposed to be celebrating us"

"You really care about others" Gojo chuckled. "But it's exactly why I fell for you"

Y/N looked up to him.

"I'll make sure we'll have a bright future, don't worry that much Y/N" he said as he kissed her on her forehead.

"Thank you, Satoru" she said and smiled. "But don't think you're all going to do all that. You have me, and our comrades"

"I know" he said and brushed her hair with his hands.

Suddenly, the telephone in their house rang which made him groan in annoyance. It's only been two days since their wedding and now he's getting a phone call?

"I'll take it" Y/N said and attempted to stand but he stopped her and went out of the bed instead.

"No, you should rest for a while, stay there, I'll pick it up" he said as he stood up and got out of the room to take the phone call.

Y/N's gaze only followed him until he was gone and sighed.

"Looks like all of this temporary happiness will be over soon" she mutters.

And she was right.

When Gojo came back to their room, he had a very annoyed face.

"Damn it, I'm sorry Y/N" he says. "We should go back to the base, Sukuna has launched an attack" anger was apparent in his voice.

Y/N eventually found herself changing into her uniform with a disappointed mood, but there's nothing she can do. As much as she wants this dream-like moment to last longer, reality has already come to bite them sooner than later.

Gojo has been so pissed off because of this, of all the times the enemy had to attack, it had to be today, they haven't even exhausted the three days leave they had.

"Satoru, it's okay." She said as they walked together towards their car.

"It's not" he said, as he starts the engine. "We could have spent one more day, yet this happened, he had to start the war today, that man is definitely gonna pay for this" he clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Satoru, calm down"

"I am calm"

Y/N sighed and took his hand. "We'll fight for the people first, after that, we'll have all the time with each other, hmm?"

remember. 𝙜𝙤𝙟𝙤 𝙨𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙪 ✓Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя