Chapter 3: Feelings

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Rica: I'll put Inuyasha's Pov in this one, as well as in the other characters, but their lines will only be small sorry. And in the first two chapter I didn't put the other characters Pov because I would be out of motivation.

And also, I'll be adding new characters ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)

Anyway, peace...

WARNING: there might be some swearing in the behind the scenes, or in the story...


(Y/n's Pov):

I woke up to the sound of the birds chirping outside, I was the first to get up. And so I stood up quietly not wanting to wake one of them up and went outside to feel the breeze. I soon started wondering if what I read in the book was all the same as right now?

Like how did this even happen? I mean I know this was Kagome's gift for my birthday yesterday but I didn't expect it to be real. I first had the feeling when I looked at all of them, and when Kagome introduced their names to me then I looked at Inuyasha with the dog ears, I was like...

Wait...Am I tripping or are these names the same as the one that I read in the fantasy book Inuyasha? No that's insane!

Just then I heard someone opened the wooden door in the house of priestess Kaede, I turned my back to see Inuyasha
" Inuyasha? What are you doing here? " he glared at me
" The heck you glaring at Hanyou? Did I do something wrong? " I said in a sarcastic voice.

Inuyasha seem to not liked being called a Hanyou which I kind of felt it because of the hate of his big brother... I heard him scoff.


Inuyasha's Pov:

I growled a little when she said that in my face, I didn't even do anything to her and yet she spoke to me like that " The heck is your problem? I didn't even do anything yet you're spouting nonsense? Be glad I can't hurt you..."

I said as I glared at her, she should know that I don't like being called a Hanyou, just then she turned her back on me and said " Huh sorry for that, Is just that this is all so surprising " I only looked at her from behind and noticed how her hair swayed through the wind.

I mean it did look beautiful though- wait what the?! Am I falling in love with Kagome's little sister? I shooked my head I must be insane! When I was about to talk Kagome came outside yawning and stretching her body.


Kagome's Pov:

I yawned as I felt the breeze sway through my body and hair, I opened my eyes to see Inuyasha looking at me and (Y/n), wait what were they doing here? I soon let my mind out of control and started to think about it.

Inuyasha snapped me out of my thoughts and looked at me, I saw (Y/n) giving him a annoyed look " Inuyasha what did you do? " I said as I was about to say the word sit until (Y/n) spoke
" Big sis Inuyasha is being a wierdo here he suddenly glared at me earlier " She said as she crossed her arms and looked away from us.

I just sighed... Oh boy this is gonna be one chaotic adventure, I reminded (Y/n) that we won't be going home just yet and she was so happy that she hugged me, seeing her like this also made me feel the same way.

But I can't help but think...Why was Inuyasha staring at her? Wait could it be? No I must be going insane right now but even so I don't think (Y/n) feels the same way.


(Y/n's) Pov:

Boy I was so happy that I get to stay here in fuedal era for more months!

I get to embark on their adventure too, I just hope Inuyasha won't be this troubling to me, whatever. Just then Miroku, Sango, Shippo and priestess Kaede had woken up and went outside.

Sango said "Oh? You three are awake... Wait what's going on here? " Sango started to wonder while Miroku said sighing " Do you really have to question that Sango? I mean everything is fine you can clearly see that-" Sango glared at him.

This girl is not to be messed with but I said to them " Oh it's nothing, Inuyasha here was just being a bother " He yelled at me annoyed "Being a bother you say?! " Kagome sighed and giggled.

Shippo said " I mean they were just talking you're getting a little weirder these days Sango " and he sighed.

Though I felt something in my stomach... I felt something when I looked and hear Inuyasha ramble, I was staring at him for a moment when Kagome waved her hand in front of me as well as everyone was looking at me like I was a lunatic!

I scratched the back of my head and told them I was fine, we just continued our day searching for this Naraku and vowing to defeat him.

On our walk with only me and Kagome, Kagome explained everything to me...

I get it now.

Naraku is after the Shikon no Kagera because the jewel has immense power and can grant practically any wish, it can also make the people currupt making them evil. The same way that happened to Kikyo as Kagome explained.

Naraku wants to obtain all the shards in order to use its power to destroy the world and create a new one in his own image.

A formidable foe I should say.

Can we beat him though?



Kikyo: I don't really like Inuyasha (Y/n), so you and Kagome can have him-

Kagome: The heck Kikyo?!

(Y/n): blushed U-uh, I mean sure no! I-i mean I don't want him!

Kikyo and Kagome: speechless

Naraku: That's upside down, she wants him actually-

Akihiro: smacked Naraku in the head Bitch, you're ruining the moment here... Satsuki appeared H-hey Satsuki...

Satsuki: Hi Aki! smiles and giggles

Akihiro: gulped (Dang why is she so cute?!)

Kiyara: Satsuki stay away from him!-

Akihiro: Gahhh! ran away while Kiyara chased him

Satsuki: Huh? blinked eyes innocently

Rica: Alright that's it for now! Bye-

Inuyasha: shoved my head to the fricking side BYE-BYE MOTHERFRICKERS!


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