Chapter 2: Into the Feudal Era

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( Y/n's Pov):

Kagome went up first and helped me up, there I saw three people one that had a dog ears and two small animals sitting under a tree while the animals played.

I narrowed my eyes looking at the dog-eared person. In fact who are they? I started to look at the surroundings of the Fuedal Era.

The greeny grass swaying gracefully through the winds cool air, the sky looked even more wonderful and there were trees everywhere it looked like mother nature.

I was famished by the appearance of Japan Centuries Ago, they didn't even have any buildings. There were just villages and they didn't have any money nor have to worry about buying anything. If they get sick their family members would just go out in the woods to collect some herbs then treat it to them.

It was all so astonishing. Yet what grandpa said earlier about demons being in this Era came through my mind, that can't be real because I don't believe it.

Just then the dog-eared person stood up opening his eyes to look at the Bone-Eaters well, he widened his eyes then turned to look at his friends telling them Kagome had arrived with someone.

They walked towards us while Kagome waved her hand to them, the dog eared person said “ Kagome who is this girl you bought with you? ” His annoyed look pissing me off.

“ Oh that's right, everyone this is my little sister the one I told you all about! ” She said cheerfully before adding “ It's her birthday today that's why I decided to bring her with me ”

They were a little shocked then greeted me happy birthday. Except for this dude with dog ears on, what's his problem? He's just glaring at me before turning his head away.

After that a guy who wore a traditional clothing walked up to me benting down a little “ Huh you look beautiful for a young gi-” He got smacked in the head by a girl who's about the same height as Kagome.

Kagome glared at him then cleared her throat finally introducing them to me “ These are my friends (Y/n), the one that has dog ears is Inuyasha ” I looked at Inuyasha as he growled at me.

What did I do wrong?! Kagome continued “ This perverted monk is Miroku, this girl is Sango while these two small creatures is Kirara and Shippo ” Kagome bent down to pick them up to her arms.

Shippo greeted me while swaying his tail “ Nice to meet you (Y/n)! ” Kirara just made small meowing sounds. She was so cute I couldn't help myself from petting her.

After petting Kirara for a second I averted my eyes to Inuyasha. I then blurted out “ You're a Hanyou? ” I quickly closed my mouth realizing my dumb words I just said. They all looked at me shocked.

Inuyasha crossed his arms then looked away again, very dramatic... “ Like I care if you knew ” I just sighed.

How do you know that (Y/n)? ” asked Kagome in her soft tone indicating she couldn't believe what she was hearing, how do I explain this? “ From reading so much, it's not a big deal really ” I said nervously.

Kagome only narrowed her eyes at me before switching her mood to a cheerful one, the other two only nodded their heads then smiled.

Kagome led me to the tree they were sitting in and decided to tell me all about their adventures. How they met Kouga who seems to be a wolf demon.

She said Kouga is pretty cocky, arrogant but can be a gentleman unlike Inuyasha which Inuyasha scowled after hearing it. I only made a small laugh while Sango added “ Then next we met Inuyasha's brother Sesshomaru ”.

Sesshomaru huh? I guess he must be a full-fleged demon since Inuyasha is a Half-Demon, Miroku added Kikyo. Who was Inuyasha's first ever human he encountered before Kagome.

Inuyasha's face went from being stoic to a frowned one, does that girl mean something to him?

They said Kikyo and Kagome looked quite similar in appearance yet didn't seem to mind it. Kikyo sounds familiar as well...

The last thing Kagome added was Naraku. He told me that Naraku is after a jewel called the Shikon no Kagera, I think that dude appeared in my nightmare and told me his name?

I don't remember. I tried not to show that I don't believe them yet I can't help but think how it's so similar to the book I read, it can't be, this is just all a coincidence.

After Kagome telling me their bizzare adventures we went to the village of a priestess named Kaede who is Kikyo's little sister. They didn't even tell me Kikyo was Kaede's big sister though.

We opened the wooden door in her house then stepped in. Kaede looked at me curiously then spoke “ So you must be Kagome's little sister ” I nodded my head “ Yes I am, my sister bought me here as her gift for my birthday ”

She greeted me happy birthday in her normal tone then offered me to sit down, after sitting down I said “ Are you Kikyo's little sister? ” that made Kaede to pause what she was doing making a tea.

Kagome and her friends also look flabbergasted, they blinked their eyes a few times trying to get what I was saying. I mean that's the second time I said the most dumbest word ever so I'm not surprised, I'm just waiting for an answer.

“ That's true, I am Kikyo's little sister before she died... How did you know young girl? ” My heart was beating out of my chest. I only made a believable lie “ It's just my gut or instinct I had to get it out of me by questioning that ” .

I made a very awkward chuckle though Kaede seemed to believe it so it's not a problem, while I could feel Kagome examining me like she's suspicious.

The thing is I read a fantasy book named Inuyasha and I thought this was such a huge coincidence. I decided to only keep shut about it because I still don't know if it's exactly the same.

The characters are the same but the Inuyasha in the book seemed to be more annoying than the real Inuyasha. I pushed the unsettling feeling away then enjoyed the fresh tea Kaede made.

We talked for quite a while, telling Kaede about my life in the modern era. They seemed to enioy my company, it's the first time someone actually enjoyed being with me rather than leaving me alone with a bored expression on their faces.

Nighttime had fallen then what grandpa said again came back, demons lurking in the night. I tried to fall asleep but the words kept echoing in my brain.

I only squinted my eyes close eventually falling asleep, I wonder what journey we're gonna encounter tomorrow?



Inuyasha: You remade chapter two too? Don't tell me you're gonna remade all the chapters and we have to start all over again!

Rica: Relax relax, this'll only be the chapters that I remade. Nothing more.

(Y/n): sighs thank goodness, you really don't make sense you know creator? You're creative but you don't make sense.

Rica: ouch I'm hurt! I'm just a teen for gosh sake!

Inuyasha: you don't look like one raises an eyebrow

Rica: Whatever!


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