Chapter 1: The Special Day

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(Y/n's Pov) Remade;

The sound of the birds chirping outside of our school filled my ears with a sense of ease and joy. My name is (Y/n) Higurashi, my family owns a shrine.

Not that our shrine is popular though, it is said by my grandpa in terms of tales years ago that shrines is where you go to pray for your loved ones, some can be used as worships, meditation or spiritual practices...Is that right?

I never really gave a thought about it since I don't believe in spirits or that kind of stuff. I'm in the rooftop of our school eating my lunch while also admiring the view.

I tend to be alone when I feel like it so I don't really have that much friends, this generation in the earth has gone bizzare. From having so many friends to having few friends who supports you.

I don't really care to be honest.

I have my big sister Kagome and my family, that alone is enough for me to keep my head up not feeling down. As I finished my lunch I put it in my backpack then proceeded to walk down the stairs.

I haven't seen Kagome anywhere lately. What is she doing?

One of my classmate told me to go to the changing room so we can practice for our (S/n) sport. I'm an Athlete by the way, one of the top best (S/n) players in the school.

{ (S/n) stands for sport name}

We often get competitions because rumours has spread around other schools that Kaisei High School has one of the most strongest (S/n) players. We get selected to represent our school.

It can be very tiring yet we have no choice but to participate, we have some vigorous training to the point that we reach our limits then the next day we can't even walk properly because our legs are sore and numb.

I went to the changing room, after I changed I walked to our training era. The training era is huge enough to be able to fit twenty to thirty (S/n) players, the best players are only to top ten while I'm top three.

We trained for quite a while, I was glad that the training wasn't something so harsh that we feel our bodies breaking. While training I saw Kagome in the bleachers watching me, she clapped her hands when I managed to score a goal.

I made a small smile knowing there was someone cheering on for me.

It took about two hours that our practice had been going on. Sweat dropped unto my forehead to my cheeks as I tried to catch my breath, my teammates high-fived each other, one did also high-fived with me.

Kagome came to my side giving me a water bottle to drink and a towel to wipe my sweat off. I thanked her then took the bottle and towel.

She suddenly questioned me that what made me go to (S/n) as my sport " It has been my sport ever since I was just a kid sis, of course I would pick (S/n) " I answered casually.

She nodded her head then chuckled while I raised an eyebrow at the sudden question, I decided to shrug it away.

Class was already over by the time we were practicing for two hours. Kagome waited for me to get changed in the locker room so we can go home.

I'm really tired.

We walked our way back home, when Kagome looked to her right and saw a cafe. I looked at her hoping she won't drag me in there yet she did!

•𝐈𝐧𝐮𝐲𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫: 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨̄𝐮•Where stories live. Discover now