"Sirius, we must go! we can't look at Iris forever." Adeline pulled her husbands arm to pry him away from the one year old baby sleeping tranquilly.

"we can certainly try, star." He slowly walked away, hand to hand with Adeline. He didn't take his eyes off of her.

They sat down on the red sofa, that felt the warmth of the fire place opposite it. Sirius passed Adeline the tea he made her and sat down next to her. "I have a feeling our little girl will hold great power." Adeline spoke, once she sipped her tea.

"Of course she will, she's mine." He shrugged and grinned to his wife. She nudged him and hit his arm. "Okay, okay. Ours." He laughed again and this time she laughed too.

"Remember the old days, when we would plan our future. I imagined it just like this. you, me, Iris. Prongs, Lily, Moony and Sunny. Nothing else matters." Sirius took a deep breath, sharp and slow. Almost like there's something he was hesitant to say.

"But?" Adeline placed her hand on his, warming it and soothing it gracefully. Sirius suddenly felt more calm and more comfortable, she was the only person in the world who could turn his bad side into something great.

"But what if one day, something bad happens, you know who." Sirius exhaled the breath he didn't realise he was holding.

"We will think of that, when- or if the time comes. But for right now, we are here. In this moment, and that's all we need." Adeline always did have a way with her words, she may have been a powerful witch, but her power never consumed her.

"I love you, star." Sirius pulled her into his embrace and she rested her head on his shoulder.

"I love you too, Dadfoot." Adeline giggled, and Sirius joined in. They heard the fire crackling, and saw the moon beaming perfectly against Adeline's skin, brightening her up, just like the star she was.

It was perfect.


"Sirius... Hedwig." Adeline raced up, opened the window, and took the letter the white owl was holding in its beak.

The letter reads,

It's him. Get harry, quick make sure he's safe. I need you to be as quick as you can. Please i love you all.

Prongs and Flower.

Adeline felt her heart drop, she wasn't even sure if it were still there. Sirius read the letter and already had a look of threat and vengeance in his eyes. "I have to go and get harry. I'll see you soon, Addie." Sirius grabbed his coat.

"Sirius, please. What if- please." She sobbed, she didn't even realise she was sobbing until she felt her own tears stream down her neck.

"Get ahold of Iris keep her warm, and safe until i'm back. i won't be long." Sirius tried to reassure her, but even the tone of his voice Adeline could tell he wasn't sure.

"It's pettigrew isn't it." Adeline shook her head, ran rapidly into iris's room and held her in her chest.

"I'll get my revenge and grab our god-son." Sirius pulled her into a hug, squashing the baby almost but he didn't know if this would be the last time. He had hope, and that's all he needed.

"Sirius, please! At least let Dumbledore handle it or-" Adeline sobbed and begged.

"Sweetheart, you know i can't do that! I'll be back as quick as i can." Sirius placed two hands on her shoulders to calm down her down.

"Let me come with you then!" She paced back and forth trying to figure out as many solutions as possible.

"Adeline, i can't risk losing you! your safer here, with our little star." Sirius tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'll be back as quickly as i can."

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