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Hello everyone! This is in the old forest place. It's kind of a different universe, instead of the original clans, there is LightningClan, PineClan, RainClan, HeatherClan, and TreeClan. TreeClan's territory never got burned down.


Cinderkit's heart pounds in her chest. Her breathing is heavy. Her paws are moving quicker than a lightning bolt. She ran into the nursery where her mother and her two sisters, Rosekit and Hazelkit were laying in the nest. Rosekit had come down with white cough which had turned into green cough, and she wasn't doing well. Leafpool, Silverheart, and Featherstar had come in to check on her, but it wasn't a secret to anyone that she wouldn't make it.

"Mother!" Cinderkit meowed as she ran over to the nest, staying a safe distance away from where Rosekit lay. Cinderkit's mother, Willowpelt, turned her head to stare at Cinderkit with sad eyes, it was then Cinderkit knew, Rosekit was gone. Cinderkit just stood, wide-eyed, not knowing what to do, she couldn't believe that Rosekit was gone.

Cinderkit was six moons today witch meant that she was of age to be mentored by someone. Cinderkit slowly approached Featherstar, Silverheart, and Leafpool. The three older cats looked up when Cinderkit approached. "Hello, Cinderkit. I'm sorry for what you had to witness, but your apprentice ceremony will be held tomorrow night, so you can have time to process what has happened" Featherstar meowed, staring at the young she-kit with sad eyes.

Cinderkit nodded and spoke up in a tiny voice, "I want to become a medicine cat!" the young she-kit blurted out and everyone in the room froze and turned to stare at her. Cinderkit blushed and stared down at her paws.

"Are you sure, Cinderkit? You've always said that you wanted to become a strong warrior of PineClan: Are you sure you want to give up your dream of being a warrior?" her mother asked her older daunted while stepping away from Hazelkit and standing in front of Cinderkit. Cinderkit nodded and turned to face Featherstar, who nodded her head in understanding.

"Very well then, Leafpool will be your mentor. Leafpool, do you agree to take Cinderkit and train her the way your mother trained both you and Silverheart?" Featherstar asked the young dark-tortoiseshell-and-white molly, who smiled and nodded her head.

"I would love to train Cinderkit," she mewed with a light swoosh of her dark brown tail.

"Very well then," Featherstar meowed calmly, "I will call a Clan meeting tonight at moonrise," Leafpool nodded and the sable-furred leader patted out of the medicine den to call her clanmates together.


"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!" Featherstar yowled and everyone gathered at the base of the Highrock.

"Cinderkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your full medicine cat name, you will be known as Cinderpaw." Featherstar meowed and Leafpool stepped foreword, sitting at the base of the Highrock, as she stared up at Bluestar, who continued speaking. "Leafpool will pass down all she knows onto you. Leafpool, you are ready to take on an apprentice., I trust you to train this young apprentice well," Featherstar yowl, and the young dark-tortoiseshell-and-white molly modded her head.

"Leafpool, you have received excellent training from Spottedleaf, and you have shown yourself to be skilled in healing others. You will be the mentor of Cinderpaw, I expect you to pass on all you know to your apprentice." Leafpool touches noses with Cinderpaw and she couldn't help but smile brightly as she looked up at her mentor. Cinderpaw couldn't beleive it, she was going to become a medicine cat. Best. Day. Ever. Well... that is aside from Rosekit's death, but everything else is AMAZING! Thank you StarClan. Thank you! Cinderpaw mentally cheered as she patted over to the medicine den to begin her training.

"Cinderpaw! Cinderpaw! Cinderpaw!" yowls of excitement rang out as Cinderpaw was congratulated by her mother, Willowpelt, and by her younger sister, Hazelkit. "I'm so happy for you Cinderpaw!" Hazelkit squealed, her dark brown fur fluffed up in excitement as she stared up at her older sister with wide amber eyes. Cinderpaw blushed and ducked her head.

"Oh, uh, hehe, thanks, Hazel," she mewed, her tail twitching back-and-forth as she stared up at her mother with a bright smile on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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