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Okay So This Event Actually Really Hurt Me Haha.
Characters: Real People/Friends
POVs?: Mainly My Own, Again.

We were sent into form straight from the Astroturf footie pitch. I made my way to my room, C3, both Mrs Sleath and Mrs Steel were in action, but Mrs Steel was our form tutor on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Mrs Steel had fluffy, short red-dyed hair and wore a pair of glasses. She usually wore a body-warmer, some trousers, accompanied by a stripy, colourful t-shirt. Made sense, she taught Art and Ceramics.

I took my seat and instantly buried my head in my hands, wanting to cry so desperately. Imogen and Tianey had approached me on the 'Astro' and were both at my throat for ignoring Tianey's apology.

"She sent it a fucking month too late!" I argued. "She shouldn't have apologised at all!" Imogen's South African accent stuck out. "She's the one who started this bullshit to begin with!" My voice broke, I was struggling to speak. "Why would I want to apologise to someone who fucking ruined me anyway!? She caused me so much pain, but you only see Tianey's side because you can't be fucking bothered to hear off me too! You call me inconsiderate when you're at my throat and not, for one second, putting my deteriorating mental health into consideration! You call me toxic and cruel? Speak for your fucking self!" I took a deep exhale, swallowing a lump in my throat. "Piss right off." Tianey hissed, before walking away, alongside Imogen. I trembled and my head hung low.

I put my pencil case, planner and reading book on my desk. Mrs Steel took the register. "Amelia." She called. "Here, Miss." I murmured, just loud enough for her to hear. I hated being called that name, but if it's on the register, so be it. I used 'Oscar' instead, as it made me feel more comfortable as a trans teen. Mrs Steel finished the register. "Reading books out, guys!" She said over the rumbling noise of my form. I pulled Heartstopper towards me, feeling a sort of pain that I'd never felt. Why can't I get myself into healthy relationships like Nick and Charlie can with one another? I asked myself in a blaming way. I shook it off and opened the book to the page my bookmark was sticking out of. I finished the book quickly and just stared at it. "You're meant to be reading it, Amelia, not just starting at it." Owen, one of my form-mates and primary school classmates, remarked. I ignored him, until I heard approaching footsteps. Mrs Steel loomed over me. "You want to just stand outside?" Her voice was soft and full of care, she could tell something was bothering me. I nodded and walked to the door, Mrs Steel not far behind. I explained everything and she sent me to our 'Pastoral' building (aka Care and Guidance) so I could make a report.

I wrote my report up and headed to English 15 minutes late. I held an orange slip in my hand and gave it to Mrs Longhurst.

--(2 Hours Later)--

Break had come round quickly, as science was fairly uneventful. Me, Kyroe and Skye sat together in the hall. "Oh, yeah. Oscar, Imogen has been talking about you." Kyroe announced. "What has she been saying?" I asked, swallowing anxiously. There was a long silence. "I'm sorry in advance," He started, meaning that Imogen had said something hurtful. "She said that your acne is ugly and your voice is horrible, ultimately coming to the conclusion that nobody wants to date you." Kyroe said, finally. I felt myself start to become upset. "A direct hit at my biggest insecurities." My voice broke pathetically. "I can't help getting acne and I make my voice sound deeper on purpose. Or what if she thinks the fact I pick up my idols' accents and pronunciation Is unattractive?" I was overthinking a lot. "Hey, hey. It's okay." Kyroe soothed. I cast a glance over at Tianey's massive group across the hall. Shit. They were approaching us. I felt my heart race, pleading to be freed. "Oscar, we're leaving." Skye and Kyroe said together. I wouldn't budge. "Come on." Kyroe said as I snapped into reality again. "O- okay." My voice was still small and occasionally faltering. We left as they approached and we made our way to Third Period.

I lined up by the side of our sportshall with Ruby and Rose. Our PE teacher, Mrs Jones, straightened our line out a tad more, then led us into our classroom, SH2. Mrs Jones was a little taller than I was, with flowy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. She wore an 'England Rugby' beanie in the winter.

Before we headed in, Tianey's old friends, Phoebe and Krystal, told me something. They said, "Tianey and Imogen are planning to get you and Kyroe into massive trouble." I nodded a thank you as they walked to SH1, their classroom.

I lay my head on the cold desk. "What's up?" I heard Ruby faintly. "Apparently Tianey and Imogen are going to try and get me and Kyroe into 'massive trouble'." I admitted. "I don't know what I've done, nor what to do." My voice was strained and desperate and my gaze was blurred by building tears. I blinked them back, though,  clearing my eye-view.

A/N: I Feel So Pathetic Right Now, It's Almost Embarrassing To Admit. I Literally Went To Our Pastoral Building TWICE Today. FUCKING TWICE!?

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