Without warning, we run hand-in-hand out of the snack bar. In the distance, we can hear the owners calling after us; "Hey, stop!", but we are already too far away. They can't catch up with us. We hurry to the South Park as fast as we can. Although Anaïs seems a bit frightened by this sudden turn of events, I can also see her secretly enjoying herself. Once we arrive at the park, I shout loudly "Fucking asshole" at the shopkeeper once more, although I don't think there is any chance he will hear this.

Completely out of breath, we laugh our heads off. "Their fries weren't even that good!", Anaïs blurts out. "I hope he chokes on his oil," I giggle. "Thanks, bitch," Anaïs says teasingly. "You're welcome, stresskip," I say as I wrap my arms around Anaïs in a tight hug. In that moment, something changes.

The physical contact unleashes a mix of emotions that I had not expected and that I have never felt so intensely before. A warmth spreads through me, and I feel my heart skip a beat. This embrace feels like something more than a friendly hug. When we let go, there is a moment of intense gazing. I can no longer ignore it, I am falling in love with Anaïs.

"This way?" I ask for confirmation of the direction we should take, pointing to the side behind me. Anaïs nods. Under the soft glow of the streetlights, Anaïs and I walk home, side by side.

Anaïs was right; it's an hour's walk, but it's filled with shared smiles and easy conversation. The echo of our voices and laughter fills the streets of Antwerp. When we reach Anaïs' house, I give her a playful nudge. With a mischievous twinkle in my eye I say, "It was a nice evening, stresskip" Anaïs raises her eyebrows in amusement, probably realising that this nickname will stick. "Indeed! Text me when you get home, okay? Bitch..." Anaïs replies with a wink at the end. "Sure!" I say as I continue walking towards home, completely lost in my thoughts. My heart dances at the memories of the moments I shared with Anaïs. I know it sounds cliché, but really I think I've deeply fallen in love.

Sunday October 29, 17:04

On this sunny Sunday, Megane and I went for a relaxing walk around the city. We're taking a delightful break at our favourite coffee bar, enjoying a refreshing mint tea and a delicious apple pie. Amidst the casual chatter, the tranquillity is interrupted by the soft buzz of my phone, announcing a text message from Hanne. My face lights up when I see an invitation to Hanne's birthday party at Anaïs' house next week.

Megane, my always perceptive redheaded friend, doesn't miss the change in my mood. "Okay, spill it," she urges, her curious gaze fixed on me. "You've been on cloud nine lately. What's going on?" I've only known Megane for two months, since the beginning of the school year, but it's impressive how well she knows me already. Unable to contain my growing excitement, I take a deep breath and confess: "Well, you know Anaïs, right? Noah and Finn's friend? I've been getting to know her and I think... I think I might be falling in love with her."

Megane's eyes widen and a smile of excitement spreads across her face. "No way! Anaïs? So that's why you've been spending so much time with that group of friends lately... Spill the details, Bobbie!" I eagerly tell the story of our recent encounters, highlighting the developing bond between Anaïs and me. I describe the teasing that seemed to be turning into flirting and the comforting embrace we shared last night, the moment I realised that Anaïs wasn't just a crush. Megane listens intently, occasionally chiming in with supportive comments or playful teasing.

After I've poured out my feelings, Megane chuckles and says, "Well, it's about time, isn't it? You deserve to be happy, Bobbie. Are you going to the party?" I nod and reply, "Absolutely. I can't wait to see Anaïs and spend more time with her. It feels different, you know? Like it could be something special."

Sunday October 29, 18:44

As I walk through the front door of my house after my walk with Megane, the tension in the house hits immediately. The remnants of Friday's argument still linger, and my mother's lingering frustration is palpable. Knowing that my mother will be leaving the next day with Samuel for a mid-week trip, I take a deep breath and decide to make an attempt at reconciliation. Entering the living room where my mum is, I hesitate before speaking. "Hey, Mum, can we talk for a minute?" My mum looks up from her book. There is still a trace of irritation on her face. I continue, "I know I made a mistake, again. And I promise I won't do it again, I won't steal again. I just really don't want us to part on bad terms before your trip with Samuel." My mother's eyes soften as she listens. She nods, "I appreciate your honesty, darling. I'm glad you realise you were wrong. It takes courage to admit mistakes and learn from them. I'm glad you did."

Elke seconde telt // Every second counts (FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now