Around the neighborhood Niko was a known killer, we use to be in all kinds of shit until I decided I didn't want to live that life anymore. Back then he would've put a bullet in my skull for even looking at Fatima. Shit I hope the years have softened him up, we can be bros or foes it's his choice. I want Fatima. I'll shall have her! I gotta play my part, it might take awhile but she'll be mine!


Danni: Tima when I say that man eye fucked you around that house for hours last night. Niko was HOT!

Fatima: You sound like my momma, Zac is fine but I'm happy where I'm at. Niko can relax and unpuff his chest.

Danni: Chill on my man sis. I clocked you clocking him clocking you. You ain't slick.

Fatima: I'm taken not blind, the man is fine as fuck but you know I only got eyes for Corey I would never entertain another man and he knows it. He peeped Zac, he wasn't phased at all. He knows I'm not going anywhere. I love that secure shit, I love everything about him. Oh shit my client is here 20 minutes early, ill be there after work.

Corey wasn't phased by Zac but he definitely had my attention. I use to have the biggest crush on him for so many years. I knew back then he was gone be fine as hell but dammnn the man is gorgeous. If me and Corey ever split I might have to explore that. I would never admit that to Danny, I don't need her pillow talking to my brother. That's been my Ace for years buy at the end of the day she's my still Niko's girlfriend.

Niko still thinks we're 14 and 10, not 28 and 32. Our relationship is fragile enough. We love each other but we don't always like each other. He's just like our father an over protective man child who uses violence and fear to manipulate the people around him. Both are weak men to me and I deal with both in very small doses. If it wasn't friends with Danni I'd probably never talk to him.

I own a couple lash and spa businesses in and around the metro Atlanta area.  All are fully staffed allowing me to come in when needed or if my vip clients schedule with me directly.

I have two vip appointments before we meet with the wedding planner. I finished them up, grabbed a smoothie and a editable before making the drive to meet Corey across town.

Wedding Planner: What do you all think about this space, it's available for a $2500.00 holding fee.

Fatima: Babe we have to decide on the venue today. Why can't we have it here at the Cathedral? It's beautiful. It will fit all of our guest comfortably, we can do our pictures and have the reception immediately after instead of driving to a different location, and the chairs, tables and linens are included.

Corey: No Tima, I have to draw the line somewhere. We need to find a smaller venue and you need to cut down your invitation list. Every time we meet with her the total increases..NO

Fatima: I'm not cutting down our guest list. We both have big families and I'm only getting married once. I want our guest to enjoy themselves without being cramped in a tiny space. You can't even give a good reason to say no. At least think about it babe.

Corey: I'll think about it, I gotta go. I have some work stuff to finish up.

Fatima: Corey, it's almost 5pm, what kind of work stuff can't wait until tomorrow? We are almost done, don't you think this is more important?

Corey: The kind of work stuff that pays for Cathedrals, ill see you at home later.

Fatima: I'm sorry about that Winnie, he can be a little rude sometimes. I can give you the banking information for the $2500.00 deposit.

I finished my business with Winnie and went straight to meet Danni. I was starving by the time we ordered.

Danni: I like the vibe here, where did you find this spot?

Fatima: My client bought me lunch from here last week. They haven't been opened long but the steak was so tender and juicy I had to double back.

Danni: I'm going to try the...omg Tima Zac just walked in with what must be his girlfriend.

Fatima: Really, what she look like?

Danni: You about to find out he is coming this way.

Zac: Hey Tima and Danni, this is my girlfriend Gia. Gia these are my childhood friends Fatima and Daniella.

Gia looked them both up and down before giving them a dry "hey" to which neither replied.

Fatima: Well Zachary, crazy not seeing each other for 10 years then 2x in two days. That's wild huh Danni.

Danni: Yeah that is pretty wild, what do think about that Kia sportage.. I'm mean Gia?

Zachary and Fatima chuckled at the same time. Her on purpose him accidentally.

Gia: I need to use the restroom, babe wrap up this reunion and grab our table please.

She quickly disappeared into the restroom area, you could tell by the way she walked away she was angry.

Fatima: Yikes Zachary, you might want to grab that table before she comes back.

Zac was lost in Fatima gazed. Shidd I wanna grab you before she come back.

Fatima: You here me?

Zac: Thank God I didn't say that out loud. Yeah I heard you, here let me pay for yall dinner. It was good seeing you Danni. Fatima I'll see and catch up with you soon.

Fatima: You're planning on running into me again?

Zac: Yeah but next time you'll know it's wasn't a coincidence, he said as he winked his eye at her and walked away.

Ok what yall think, keep or toss?

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