"Nah. I'll stay for a bit." He said this with an almost cruel smile at Jisung, whose fight or flight was once again urging him to run

Chan turned to head into the living room that jutted off from the hallway. Jisung wanted nothing less than to follow him. Partly because he wanted Minho all to himself, partly because he was scared of what could be said between his housemate and his... Minho.

But his mind was made up for him; with another cursory glance at Jisung, Minho followed Chan into the living room.

If Minho's house was neat, vibey, clean, Jisung's was the opposite. He glanced in dismay at the empty take-out boxes and empty bottles, cans, and cups that littered at least half of the surfaces. The threadbare carpets, even rattier blankets covering the couches, a half-hearted attempt at decorating. A seemingly dead plant, gifted to Changbin by a girl who was trying to win his heart, a far-cry away from the lush greenery of Minho's home.

Jisung, Chan and Changbin had grown used to this. They complemented each other's living styles and barely recognised the mess anymore. With Minho in the room, each flaw became glaringly obvious to Jisung.

"God, I'm sorry, it's so messy," he mumbled as he tried to kick one of many cans under the couch discreetly.

"Lived in," argued Minho with a small smile.

He had headed straight to the wilting plant. His fingers were gentle yet sure as they parted the almost grey stems, plucking off a couple of dying leaves. 

"Chlorophytum comosum." Minho wasn't speaking to the room, just to himself. "Poor thing, what have they done to you?"

"We aren't exactly plant people." Jisung's voice was almost apologetic. 

"I could revive it for you," offered Minho. "If you would like me to."

Jisung smiled at Minho; he had forgotten Chan was even there, intrigued by Minho's dedication and simply wanting to hear him speak more. Always wanting more from him. 

Chan scoffed and reminded Jisung of his presence. The atmosphere in the room became foggy, cloudy, and Jisung cast him a scathing glare. 

"Stop it," Jisung hissed under his breath, aiming at Chan. Loud enough that both could hear, and Minho fought to hide a grin.

Chan was now observing Minho critically. "You might be good, but not even the Lee Minho can restore life. Why bother?"

Jisung was worried Minho would bite back. He didn't want that glower, the one that he had seen a few times now, to come to life in his home. He wanted Minho to feel comfortable, and if that meant Chan had to leave, so be it. 

Minho answered Chan before Jisung could. "You'd be surprised. Even the Bang Chan could fix a simple spider plant, if you tried hard enough."

Minho's tone was light and jovial. He was avoiding coming off as a threat or an agitation, noted Jisung. 

"You're saying I don't try?" Chan's voice was not so light, not so jovial. Jisung cringed.

"More that you can achieve whatever you want with enough research and time." 

"And if I don't have enough research or time?" It seemed like Chan was challenging Minho. He probably was.

Minho shrugged. "Then I guess maybe I am saying you don't try."

With that, Jisung was ushering Minho out of the room, picking up the plant precariously as he did. He knew Minho wasn't trying to start something, but equally knew that Chan could use anything to fuel an argument. Jisung was happy that the older didn't follow them as he herded Minho into the kitchen. 

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