learning to snowboard

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"Yeah, but it's still above zero. You'll be sweating in that."

"Alright, no one cares about that," you quickly stepped in to cut off the beginning of what seemed like an argument waiting at the doorstep.

Actually, maybe you did care a little. C/n was attractive in general, but... Sweaty C/n?

Your cheeks warmed, but you could blame it on the cold wind that had flown by.

"Alright, let's go!"

"Wait!" you yelled back at your brother who already began to run off to the direction of the chair lift, but with his helmet on his head, he hadn't heard you - or did, but pretended not to. "You still need to show me the basics!"

Great, he promised he'd teach you, but he ran off the first chance he got. What a nice, caring brother you had.

"Guess I'll have to be your teacher for today," C/n stated the obvious.

And although spending the day with C/n holding your hands as he'd help balance you on your board didn't sound that unappealing, you still felt guilty since it wasn't his responsibility.

You shot an apologetic smile at him. "I'm sorry. You can go, too, I'll get by on my own," you offered, but C/n was shaking his head before you had even finished speaking.

"Of course I'm not letting you go by yourself when you've never stood on a snowboard before. Here, let's walk up this little slope and I'll show you what to do." He pointed to your right, where there was a little slope that wasn't too steep and too big, where you could climb and try to go down slowly.

You nodded at him and before you could protest, he picked up your board in one hand and his in the other, walking towards the little hill.

"Hey, I can carry it myself," you said, trying to get the board away from him.

"Nah, I don't mind carrying it."

He left his own board at the bottom of the little hill, where he could see it clearly, and walked up with your board still in hand, you following close behind.

"Here, you can sit down, I'll show you how to fasten it."

You did as he told you and then he kneeled down beside you, instructing you on how to properly fasten the board to your shoes.

"Alright, now stand up."

You immediately lost your balance when you stood up, but he caught a hold of you, firmly gripping your gloved hands. "Don't worry, I got you." He had his foot against your board to secure you in place.

"Now, we're gonna slowly move down on the edge of your board, okay? No turning or anything, just straight down as you stand now." He took a step backwards and your board immediately began sliding lower, until it was stopped by his foot again.

He went on to explain how to position yourself, bending your knees slightly, and how to brake - simply by putting the weight on your heels, tilting your body slightly to the back.

He took another step lower and your board slid down, but this time, you managed to stop it by putting the weight on your heels, as he had told you.

When you finally mastered the trick, getting to the bottom of the hill, it was time to climb it up again and this time, you were to try moving to the sides. Still no turning, just going left and right on the edge of your board.

This seems easy so far, you thought. Well, that was until you were supposed to learn to turn.

He was walking along with you all the time, his hands raised in the air, prepared to catch you.

And when you at least somehow felt secure in riding the board sideways, although the turnings were still too difficult and scary for you, always resulting in you falling either on your butt or knees, you decided to go to the chair lift, giving you a bigger slope to practice the turning on.

You sat right next to each other while C/n kept going on about how well you were doing for a total beginner.

Stumbling your way to the ground from th chair lift - holding onto C/n's jacket as you almost slid down - you began to learn how hard it actually was to master it.

And after a tiring, challenging rides down the big slope, although it still couldn't be said that you could snowboard properly, the progress was highly visible - you had managed the last four rides fall-less.

As your tickets expired, you, C/n and your brother (of whom you caught a glimpse sometimes on the slope, but be refused to let himself be anyhow associated with you) met up at the car.

Returning the tickets, changing into normal shoes and loading the board into the trunk, you began feeling so tired it was hard to keep your eyes open. The sun was setting low on the horizon, too, tired just as you, bathing you in pinkish light.

You let a yawn escape your lips. "My knees hurt like hell," you complained, massaging your thighs and calves.

"Yeah, that's expected since it was your first time," your brother spoke, and you glared at him. He held up his hands in defense, "hey, I'm sorry. But I wanted to enjoy the snowboarding. Besides, C/n is much better at teaching than I."

He didn't even try to conceal the fact that he had just plainly run away from you when you arrived, rather giving his honest thought instead of putting together a lame excuse he knew you wouldn't believe anyway.

The boy whose name was just spoken chuckled at the statement. He took of his helmet, hair sticking to his head. You knew your hair must've looked even crappier, so you put on your beanie. Another yawn flew past your lips.

"Y/n," C/n called out to you, your name sounding sweet like the pink light of the sun on his tongue, "if you're tired, I can drive us back."

You gave in to the offer without much contemplating, glad to be able to rest in the passenger seat while your brother complained about sitting in the back. His voice had died out rather quickly, though, as you allowed yourself to drift off to sleep.


You woke up to the sensation of being carried somewhere. Prying your eyes open - albeit reluctantly - you were met with C/n's face, which looked very funny from the underview that you got. Despite yourself, you chuckled at him.

Having heard the sound, he looked down, eyes meeting yours. His e/c eyes softened, spilling into yours like pools full of sweetness. "You awake?"

You lightly tapped him on the arm to signal that he can put you down and as he did so, only then did you realize where you were - already in front of your door.

"What about you, though? How are you gonna get home?" you asked, looking at C/n while still rubbing the last sleep away from your eyes.

"He can just crash here, no?" your brother replied instead of his friend, unlocking the door and letting you all go inside, basking in the warmth, sending the last chills of evening winter away.

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