Chapter 10 - Honour to the Red Lion

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Someone else joined them by the pyre. A woman in unassuming brown robes. A hood was over her head, and her black hair was just about visible. She looked utterly out of place amongst the swathes of men in steel and colours of allegiance. Out of everyone, who looked stoic or excited for the battle with Radahn, she looked lost. Blaidd and Alexander took notice and watched her, saying nothing.

''Greetings,'' Talos said when the silence began to become awkward. The woman barely looked at him before bowing formally. Talos didn't mince his words. ''What brings you here? You have no weapons or armour.''

''I am searching,'' she said quietly, barely audible over the din of warriors. Blaidd and Alexander exchanged a glance. Somehow. Talos was surprised at how well the two could communicate, despite the latter's lack of facial features. Maybe it was a wolf-man thing?

''Searching? You'll find naught but armed men here, I'm afraid. Unless that's what you seek,'' Talos said.

''I wish to find my Tarnished. Here at this gathering of mighty warriors, I thought I might find them,'' the woman said. It didn't take much thought to see what she was. ''When I heard that mighty warriors were gathering here, I thought I could come and offer my aid to the wounded. Perhaps I might find my Tarnished here.''

''So you're a Finger Maiden. Well, if it's a Tarnished you seek, then here is as good as anywhere to look. But why aren't you with them already?'' Talos asked. The woman looked down before speaking.

''I never met them...'' her voice quivered, ''at the place we were destined to meet, I was attacked by a man in a white mask. I managed to escape, but I was forced to flee. And now... I cannot serve my intended purpose. So here I am. Hoping to find my Tarnished so I might guide them on the path of lordship.''

''A white mask...'' Blaidd muttered, drawing the attention of the others.

''Sound familiar, my friend?'' Alexander asked.

''Yes. I know I've seen someone like that. But it was the smell. He smelled like blood. Reeked of it. He was lingering near the church Kale's holed up in, like he was waiting for someone,'' the half-wolf replied, ''I knew something was off.''

''Do you have a name?'' Talos asked.

''My name is Therolina. You are Tarnished, aren't you?''

''Indeed. I am Talos, and this is Blaidd and Alexander. They are friends of mine,'' he said, gesturing to the two. The half-wolf nodded to her while the Warrior Jar raised a hand in greeting.

''It is a pleasure,'' she said demurely, bowing once again. She cast a brief glance around. ''To be honest, I am relieved. I have never been around so many warriors, but I feel that I can be at ease a while, if you permit me to stay.''

''Don't fret about it. You'll be joining us on the field of battle. Against General Radahn, no less! You're more than welcome to stay with us if that's what you want,'' Bliadd said.

''Quite right. A fighter you are not, but you have courage in abundance to join us out there,'' Alexander added sagely. Therolina looked taken aback before smiling.

''I... thank you. You are all very kind,'' she said bashfully. Suddenly, the chatter grew quiet. Therolina inclined her head to a spot behind the three and they turned. Up above on the wall was a man in colourful clothing, rather eccentric by Talos' reckoning. Puffed sleeves and trousers, with a breastplate and a conical hood over his head, hiding his eyes. Memory suddenly flashed in Talos' mind when he caught sight of the man's beard. He bore a disturbingly uncanny resemblance to someone he once knew. All those years ago in the dust at the end of the world.

''Gael?'' he muttered without thinking.

''Eh?'' Blaidd replied, but Talos shook his head.

The man looked over the gathered warriors, appraising them silently. Then, loudly and clearly, he began to speak.

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