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The next morning Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike and Avery were at the fast waters and they were playing a game and both Petrie and Avery were about to jump towards the rock but the only one who did made it was Avery but Petrie was swept away but and grabs onto a rock where Spike then he says "Nice try Petrie."

Petrie: Me and Avery think flying should be fair.

Cera: Yeah, I guess you both do.

Avery: Well, I'm not just good in the sky you know. I'm also good on the ground too!

Ducky: He's right and he did not say flying should be fair even he can fly yep, yep, yep.

Cera: Maybe you should be a better jumper like Avery or like me.

Suddenly Cera misses the rock where Avery's at and gets swept away and Littlefoot says "Hold on Cera, I'm coming!" He grabs Cera's tail and tries to bring her to shore then Cera tells to let go and the fast waters was still pulling her.

Littlefoot: What's wrong with you guys?! Help her!

Cera: Calm down! Who needs help?

Then Littlefoot realize that Cera wasn't really in trouble and says "Wait, it's just a game?"

Cera: Sure. What you think?

Avery: We're playing "Jump and Get Swept Away." It's really fun.

Petrie: And so far me and Cera were the only once that got swept away.

Littlefoot: I think pretending to be in trouble is against the wisdoms.

Spike: What are wisdoms?

Littlefoot: They help you be safe. Like "Stay in a group" or "Work Together."

Avery: Oh you mean the Say-So's.

Littlefoot: The what?

Petrie: The Say-So's! Mom told me and Avery told us to do those things 'cause she said so! ♪ If we wanna go play rainy day and our mother said we can't go when we asked her why, she looked at us in the eye and said, "Because I say so!" ♪

Avery: ♪ Oh, oh, you can't say no. ♪

Ducky: ♪ When your mama says stay, you cannot go. ♪

Avery: Mmm-mmm ♪ We have to do what she wants us to. ♪

Cera: Why?

Petrie and Avery: ♪ Because she say so. Say so, say, say so. Say so, say, say so. ♪

Littlefoot: Well, whatever you call them, you better do them! ♪ Wisdoms are important. ♪

Cera: ♪ But not much fun. ♪

Littlefoot: ♪ And I'm gonna learn them. ♪

Spike: Every one?

Littlefoot: ♪ And if you're smart, you'll learn them, too. ♪

Avery: Why?

Cera: ♪ 'Cause Littlefoot say so. ♪

Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike and Avery: ♪ Say so, say, say so. Say so, say, say so. Say so, say, say so. ♪

Spike: Why?

Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike and Avery: ♪ Because he say so! ♪

Littlefoot walks away thinking that they're making fun of him and munching on some treestars.

Cera: Hey, Littlefoot, what's the matter? can you take a joke?

Avery: Yeah, we were just messing around with you that's all!

Cera: And what is it with everybody and these Wisdoms all of a sudden? Even my folks have them. Tria says, "Don't climb if you can't get back down."

Petrie: (chuckling) Hear on of Mom's, "Keep your eyes and ears open."

Ducky: My Mom says, "Be home before dark."

Spike: Yeah!

Cera: So we've all got them, but do we have to make such a big deal about them? ♪ My folks are always telling me all the things I ought to do. Like, "Don't climb up if you can't get down" They call that a "Gotta Do". Egad! It makes me mad. Why do I have to listen to my Dad? ♪

Littlefoot and Avery: ♪ Because he knows what good for you. ♪

Cera: ♪ All I hear is, "Gotta Do" Gotta plan ahead. ♪

Spike and Petrie: ♪ Gotta work together. ♪

Ducky: Oww! ♪ Do not sit on a prickly thorn. ♪

Littlefoot: ♪ Listen to you folks cause they know better. ♪

Cera: ♪ If something's in your way bump it with your horn, bump it with your horn. ♪

Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike and Avery: ♪ Hey-ho, we know it's true The Wisdoms say what's right to do. ♪

Cera: ♪ But do I had to hear them from you, too? ♪

Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike and Avery: ♪ Say-So! Gotta, gotta, gotta.. Hey-Ho, we know it's true The Wisdoms say what's right to do. ♪

Littlefoot: ♪ They're good for me! ♪

Ducky: And you!

Petrie: And you!

Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike and Avery: Gotta, gotta do what the Say-So's say to do.

Cera: Bump it!

Littlefoot, Ducky, Petrie, Spike and Avery: ♪ Gotta do, gotta do, we gotta do! ♪

Cera: Bump it!

Cera bumps a little green tree and falls into the tall grass and the five young dinosaurs were laughing and suddenly Cera was spooked by a something in the tall grass and Avery says "Cera what's the matter?"

Cera: There's something in there, something.. strange!

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