First day back! part 2

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We all just chat about what we did over summer.

I was snowed in pretty much the whole month and it was kinda good as I hate going anywhere where I can get messy except the kitchen, how else would I cook my brownies!

Jaz went to France and Kleah went to Egypt which sounded fun although there was alot of sand.

Oh no, in comes Stefan, 10 minutes late, the meanest boy in our year, no the whole school!

Our teacher shouted at him for the lest 20 minutes we have of home room left.

We got given our new schedule on the last day of term and we have a free period now. So we go to our lockers and start to decorate them, i'm going for a black and white theme in mine so I put up this pretty pre-cut locker wallpaper on the door and at the back of the locker, I add a locker shelf and a tool kit with body spray and make-up in it.

On the door I put a white bored and pen, with magnets, my schedule, a mirror and two pots, one with filled with pens and pencils and the other with sweets, gum, snacks and stuff to eat.

On the shelf I put a binder and all school books and subject note books.

On the two hooks I have I put my rucksack on one and my change of clothes with extra lady things, I mean you never know!

And lastly I put some little lights up that have this peal of back so you can just sick them on and add a picture of Tal.

I have already put my suitcase up in my dorm room so that's already done.

I still have ten minutes left so I make my way to drama as Jaz and Kleah had to go to the bathroom.

I like drama you know, it's quite fun and it's the only class in acctuly listen to.

At lunch, principle Jones comes round with the Blossom Queen sign up sheet, all 3 of us sign up at once!

If we don't win then there's something wrong with these peoples!!!

After lunch we all head down to the exam hall for are start of turm test we get 10 minutes for the first 3, Make-up, Outfit and Art, and then 30 minutes to make the dress we drow (A.N sorry for the spelling) in art and thats the dress we shall be wearing for Blossom Queen Corrination or Prom to you and me.

I think I did ok tho I am gonna get let down tomorrow aren't I....but I'll enjoy it while it lasts!

I head to my locker and grab my homework binder and head up to my dorm room.

Its split into 5 parts, 3 for our beds and storage, 1 for the bathroom, its sectioned off ofcourse, and the last 1 for the cloakroom for our coats and stuff.

I diside to listen to the pinkprint while I do my home work from English; where we have to write a 13 inch essay on popuality (A.N. Like I cant spell so...)!!!!

I had written 2 inches when the girls came in, they had a detention for throwing a eraser at miss Jenner in maths.

Thay fall asleep quite quickly but I stay up and finish my homework so I can impress my teacher since everyone else leaves it to the last minute, I might get a postcard for it!

I text Tal good night and fall asleep.


Hay its kB
Sorry I'm not updating much but my phone hates me.
But I love you guys!

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