Part 1

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I was on my way to school when people were talking about this Brady guy again.not gonna lie he was getting on my nerves.i just can't believe that hes sooo soon i walked trough the entrance i bumped into someone.i picked up my things"im sorry it was my fault"and with that i wanted to leave but as soon as i saw his face i was in total aw.he looks so good.he was by far the best looking guy i have ever seen.i realized i was starring at him for to long so i blushed out of embarrassment and walked pass him.
It was PE when i saw him again.he was walking in with his friends laughing while you could clearly see his freckles.He suddenly locked eyes with me and his smile slowly turned into a look of aw.he was so perfect.but of course it had to be ruined."ayo Brady!"was the only thing i had to hear.i was crushed.HE was the one everyone in school talked about.i mentally rolled my eyes.i walked towards the bench and sat was silent until i felt a presence next to me.i looked to see who it was when i once again was met with his beautiful green eyes.he smiled"hey uh nice to see you again"i felt my cheeks heat up and said"uhh t-thanks"why am i stuttering all of a sudden.i quickly looked away when the teacher said"hello class!today we are going to play basketball!!"i mentally screamed out of happiness.i smiled and stood up.Just like the others did.the teacher put me and brady into separate soon as i had the ball i tried to dribble past everyone until i heard Brady scream"here im free!!"i shouted"but you're not on my team Brady"he smiled and said"im not Brady.Im Conner his twin brother!"i blushed and passed him the ball.He scored and ran towards me."im so sorry for the Brady thing" „uh i am Brady" i was so confused"huh but you said that you are Conner"he giggled and said"oh no thats my twin hes right over there,also uh good dribbling"i blushed and said"oh thanks..i heard you only play football/soccer and volleyball"he smiled"i see you did your research about me"i blushed and giggled"well hard to overhear when everyone is only talking about you"he smiled and said"to be honest,i hate it..its just so annoying that im the one they are talking about"i nodded"i understand what you mean,i mean i wouldn't like it either but at least they aren't trash talking behind your back"he giggled and said"yeah true"that's when i realized we were the only two still in the middle and not playing.i said"uh Brady let's continue playing"he blushed and said"i forgot we aren't alone"i blushed and continued playing.
After the PE it was finally lunch and i can see my best friend chris again.everyone thinks we're dating but i would never date him.when i finally see him he runs to me in full speed while spinning me around.i giggled and said"stop you're literally ass water"he laughed"oh wow if thats so then you can search for a new best friend now"he was was acting shocked and walked away.a few seconds later he came back and we were laughing about the most random stuff ever while walking into the cafeteria.there he was again.Brady was looking in my direction and as soon as he saw Chris next to me he rolled his eyes and seemed really annoyed.i brushed it off and went to get myself some food.i grabbed myself some fries and a bottle of water and as dessert a brownie.i was never the biggest eater.i just couldn't eat that much it was like,i could eat but only a certain amount and when that amount was reached i couldn't eat more or ill puke.then i sat down on a empty table and next to me sat Chris.we were talking when Chris said"uh"tears formed in my eyes and i immediately hugged him"you shouldn't have felt like you couldn't tell me cause no matter what you are,you are perfect in your own way"he cried and said"you're the best person i have ever met.."i smiled and i was never happier in life then i was right now(little did she know it was just going to be even better with Brady).
After lunch we only had about 4 hours left and then we can go home again.i was walking into Art while reading a book when i accidentally bumped into someone again.i look up to apologise when i saw that it was Brady.i gave him a apologizing smile and continued walking when he suddenly grabbed my wrist and said"What lesson do you have now?"i smiled and said"Art and you??"he smiled and answered"oh yeah me too.wanna walk together??"i blushed and said"i would l-love too"he giggled"are you okay??"i laughed and soon he joined in"yeah im fine its just all new to me you know"he nodded and on the way there we kept talking about random stuff and getting to know each other better"there is no way you like mayonnaise more than ketchup" „i do like it more than ketchup and what about it?"i said proudly of my answer.he giggled it of and opened the door for me.we entered the art class and everyone was starring at us too"uh sorry mr.brown she was lost and i helped her get to art class"Brady said saving mine and his ass at that point"oh!..if thats so than please take your seats and be quiet"Brady just weirdly took my hand and walked me to out seat.we sat next to each other"thanks Brady.."he smiled and said"no problem li"i blushed at the nickname and focused on the lesson.the whole lesson long i couldn't focus cause me and Brady were talking about the most random and funny shit.i was laughing quietly when the girls sitting infront of us turned around"would you too shut the fuck up now!"everyone was looking at us when i turned to Brady and made eye contact with soon as out eyes met we bursted out laughing.i had literal tears in my eyes of laughter.the class was either giggling or smiling too.
In the end i packed my bag when i saw that Brady left a note on my desk.
Hi i thought that u were pretty cool and wanted to continue being friends with u so heres my number **** **** **** xo Brady<3.
I blushed at his note and immediately stuffed it in my backpack.i was walking walking home when someone kicked my feet away.i fell flat on my face but stood up as fast i fell.i was met with the eyes of a unknown girl.she came near my face and said"you better back tf off bitch"i was confused and laughed at her.i turned around and continued walking home when she suddenly pulled my hair.soon i felt her let go of my hair.i looked behind me to find Brady or maybe it is Conner.ugh i can never tell the difference between them.he came to me and said"hey are you okay??"i smiled and said"yeah im fine but uh are you Brady or Conner cause i can never tell you guys apart.."he smiled and said"im Conner and its fine many people can't"he suddenly pulled me in for a hug.weird but i hugged back until i heard someone shout"hey tf are you guys doing?"it was Chris i could tell by his voice.i laughed and said"hugging you doofus"he giggled"yeah i saw that smartass i just never knew you dated Conner noon"me and Conner laughed"Nah we aint dating i already got a girlfriend and its not her,but Brady said that you guys were good friends"Chris laughed and said"oh wow i never knew you had friends besides me" "fuck of Chris" he just laughed it while mumbling"im just kidding".i wanted to continue walking home"hey li i can give you a ride if you want?!"it was Brady cause hes the only one that calls me „li" i turned around and said"Really?!"he jogged towards me"come on ill drive you home,you just gotta tell me where you live and ill drive you home"i smiled and said"i live on ********" he smiled"ok follow me".we went into his car and he drove me home.the whole way there Conner was talking about his day and how about we should all meet up more soon as we arrived i hugged the twins and we said our goodbyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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