Ryuko's sudden realization of what she was doing brought her back to her senses. She felt guilty and ashamed, and couldn't believe that she had allowed herself to be tempted by such filthy thoughts and desires.

She knew that her boyfriend would never approve of such behavior, and she couldn't bear the thought of letting him down. She quickly shut down the browser and sat back in her chair, trying to compose herself.

"What am I doing?" she muttered to herself, feeling disgusted and disappointed in her own behavior. She knew that she needed to put an end to this addiction before it consumed her completely.

With a deep breath, she stood up and walked over to the window, looking out at the busy street below. She felt a sense of determination building up inside her, a desire to take control of her own life and make the right choices for herself.

She knew that it wouldn't be easy, but she was ready to face the challenge head-on. She would resist the temptation of the black cock and focus on the relationships and values that truly mattered to her. She would be a better person and a better partner for her boyfriend, and she would never let her desires overcome her better judgement again.

Ryuko's senses were raised as she heard her sister come back into the apartment, her heart racing with both anxiety and anticipation. She knew that she needed to confront Satsuki and talk to her about what had happened. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down, and went out into the living room to meet her sister.

As she saw Satsuki standing there, Ryuko felt a wave of conflicting emotions wash over her. Part of her wanted to forgive her sister and forget everything that had happened, but another part of her couldn't forgive the betrayal and the hurt that Satsuki had caused.

"Hey sis," Satsuki said with a smile, oblivious to the tension in the room. "How was your day?"

Ryuko hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to approach the situation. She knew that she needed to be honest with her sister, but she also didn't want to hurt her feelings or make things worse.

"Can we talk?" Ryuko said, her voice shaking slightly. "Alone?"

Satsuki looked a bit confused, but nodded her head and followed Ryuko into her bedroom. Once they were alone, Ryuko took a deep breath and tried to gather her thoughts.

"Look, Satsuki, about yesterday..." she began, her voice trailing off.

Satsuki looked a bit uncomfortable, sensing that something was amiss. "What about it?" she asked.

Ryuko hesitated once again. Ryuko look at her sister "uhh....Satsuki I need help....I'm I'm serious. Because of all of what you're doing I want black...man. I don't want to hurt my boyfriend though. I mean this is all your fault in the first place. I get that you were teasing or whatever or didn't approve of what I was doing but still. You completely brainwashed me!" She said that she looked down at the floor disappointed in herself.

Satsuki giggled "good girl ryuko you are finally understanding of black men are more Superior. Let me know if you ever need a man to help you out."

Ryuko felt a mix of anger and confusion at her sister's reaction. She couldn't believe that Satsuki was still trying to push her towards the temptation of the black man, even after everything that had happened.

"No, Satsuki," Ryuko said firmly. "I don't want your help or your approval. I want to be with my boyfriend, and I'm not going to let this obsession control me anymore."

Satsuki's expression turned from playful to serious as she heard the determination in her sister's voice. "Fine, have it your way," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "But don't come crawling back to me when you realize what you're missing out on."

Blacked Sisters (Ryuko and Satsuki)Where stories live. Discover now