Chapter 3: Luna, The Dog

Start from the beginning

"I believe I have somewhere to be, and so do you."

The student stared, "Are you a new professor?"


"Are you the new caretaker?"

Penelope sighed, her fingers tingling at the questioning, "No, I am not."

"Miss Mister S?" The Ravenclaw asked in curiosity.

"Mister S?" Penelope rose a brow.

"Yeah, Professor Sallow sometimes—"

"Alright, I really have no time for this. I thank you for bringing Luna into place. I shall see you around..." Penelope waited for a name to be told.

"Grace. Grace Thakkar." She smiled.

"Of course, you're related to him." Penelope murmured under her breath, the memory of her old always-questioning Ravenclaw classmate, Amit Thakkar, coming to mind.

When the locked floor entrance closed, making a vibrating sound, Penelope walked with her dog, letting the enchanted key guide the way to her stay.

Penelope walked slowly, recognizing the small ventures she had sneaked into the Faculty Tower in her past. When Mr. Moon would make her snoop around, or she'll tickle her way into the Prefects Bathroom five floors above.


"Sebastian, we're going to get caught!" Seventh year Penelope Silvethorn let out in a soft whisper as they reached the stairs of the second floor.

The chuckle that came off Sebastian Sallow was loud, and Penelope worried that a faculty member or Prefect would catch it.

His hand wrapped around her's as they both sneaked their way into the third floor.

"Oh, come on sweetheart," Sebastian teased, "Stop acting like our restricted ventures ever got us caught. It's fun!"

Penelope flushed within the dimmed lights and kept following. Sebastian always knew his way to lure, inside and out.

They entered the locked room on the third floor and Penelope almost stumbled as Sebastian locked it shut and turned, looking around the exclusive office.

"Hm, look at that." Sebastian kept a smile, taking away the Disillusion charm from both of them.

Penelope breathed and looked around herself, "This feels...wrong."

Sebastian kept his iconic, mischievous grin on his face as he approached his girlfriend and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close.

Penelope gasped.

"Pen, everything feels wrong to you." Sebastian whispered to her, "It's days before the holidays. Mr. Moon is off the castle by now with his family of Demiguise." He joked.

Penelope rolled her eyes.

Sebastian tightened his fingers around her waist, making Penelope's throat tighten a little from the tension and part her lips.

"I'm sure," Sebastian Sallow's face lowered onto her, tilting to reach in between her neck, only his lips tickling over her skin as he whispered, "he doesn't mind company in his bedroom."


"Hm?" Sebastian kissed her neck as he multitasked, "Seb, what?"

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