Tears begin to drip down her face, mentally thanking herself for putting a silencing charm around her bed the night before. Her whole body begins to shake as a loud sob forces itself out of her throat. That was definitely one of the more horrible visions she has had, the only one worse being the one where she is walking through a room of dead bodies, trying to identify if she had lost anyone that had managed to find their way into her heart. Circe remembers the way she had stared into their lifeless eyes, emotionlessly, not allowing herself to be overcome with grief for people she doesn't even know. 

The girl glances over the clock on her beside table, the time displayed being appropriate enough for her to start getting ready. She gets up from the bed and walks back into the bathroom, gagging when the lingering scent of vomit enters her nose. The mirror above the sink, which she tends to have a bit of a love-hate relationship with, shows her less than attractive state. Her bronze hair is a tangled mess, her skin is a sickly green colour and her lips are devoid of any form of moisture other than the tears which have begun to dry on her face. Circe winces as she takes her appearance in.

Once she had made herself look more socially acceptable and not like something which had crawled out of the Black Lake, she heads down to the hall. Thankfully the boys are already sat at the Gryffindor table, happily chatting to one another. She freezes in the doorway as she collects herself, praying that she'll manage to act normally, despite the horrors that she has just seen. "Hello my darling pretty boy." She greets Remus as she sits across from him, already finding herself feeling a lot better once she gets a glimpse of his beautiful face. "Trolls." She half-heartedly says to the other three, causing them to snicker in amusement.

"Hello Circe." Remus says softly, focusing his attention solely on her.

James groans at the two. "Shadow! Her name is shadow."

The brunette chuckles at the boy before turning back to the scarred boy sat in front of her, a flirty grin on her face. "I like it when he says my name. Its practice for later, when he'll be screaming it in bed."

The boy in question chokes on his food when he hears this, especially noticing how unashamed she is with the words that had just come out of her mouth. His face turns crimson, despite the fact he had thought he had become accustomed to her shameless flirting. "E-excuse me?" Sirius' barking laughter catches the attention of the entire hall, causing Remus to duck down in an attempt to hide himself away in embarrassment. 

"You heard me." She tells him, tucking into her food.

Remus is completely aghast by her blasé attitude, bewildered how she could say such a thing then move on like nothing had happened. 

"Circe Darkwood." James gasps, feigning being appalled by her words. His arm slings over Remus' hunched shoulders, pulling the taller boy into his side and cupping his face. "How could you say such a thing to our beloved little Mookykins?"

"Prongs-" Remus protests.

She looks between them. "Say what? The truth you mean?" The brunette responds in between bites, trying to hide the grin creeping its way onto her face.

Remus' face, if it was even possible, got even redder. His coarse hands cover his flustered expression, not even bothering to attempt to speak- knowing that it would be no use.

"Circe." A deep voice says from behind her, causing the girl to spin around in confusion. She hardly speaks to any of the other students at Hogwarts, her roommates and the marauders are the only ones she has actually held a proper conversation with. The werewolf rips the hands from his face as he looks over to the boy patiently standing behind his friend.

"Uh- hello." The girl replies, quiet honestly having no idea who this guy is. "Can I help you?"

Despite the boy's large, built frame, the Ravenclaw appears to be quite nervous. His hands are shoved into his trouser pockets and he's rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. "Do you think we could talk?" His eyes flicker over to the four boys, three of them are watching in amusement, whilst one is glowering at him. "Alone. If that's alright?"

If looks could kill, this Ravenclaw would already be dead. Remus' hands clench tightly around the knife and fork in his hands as he stares daggers in the boy's direction. A scowl is plastered onto his lips, a possessive growl threatening to escape at any moment.  

She hums, already bored with this conversation. "Can't you see that I'm eating? You can say it here or not at all." She tells him.

The nervous boys clears his throat, suddenly aware of all the eyes focused on him, but he'd already spent the whole morning working up the courage to speak to the hot new girl so he isn't about to back down now. "I-uh- I was wondering if you'd like to go to the party with me tonight?"

The foul mood Circe was in earlier quickly returns. "Sorry, who are you?"

"Uh Alex. I'm in your ancient runes class." He tells her, running a hand through his golden hair.

"Well, Alex from my ancient runes class." The brunette spits out, stabbing her fork into the table  and turning her whole body towards him. "What in Merlin's name gave you the impression that I would even consider going to the party with you?"

His lip quivers slightly as he stares down at the girl who hadn't even bothered to stand up to talk to him. "I-" He starts but Circe raises her hand, signalling him to stop.

"You know what? I don't actually care." She sighs. "Let me make myself extremely clear. No I would not like to go to the party with you, nor would I like to go out with you at any other point in the future. I'm not interested." Circe turns back towards the boys but notice that they are all still looking behind her. Alex from ancient runes is still stood behind her, frozen in place from the harsh words that had been thrown his way. "What are you still doing here? Leave." She snaps, causing him to run out of the hall.

Sirius lets out a low whistle once the Ravenclaw is finally out of their sight. "Poor bloke." He chuckles.

"Good riddance." Remus mutters, which doesn't go unnoticed by Circe.

"Don't you think you were a bit harsh Circe?" James asks, frowning a little but the amusement in his eyes didn't fade away in the slightest. 

Remus eyes are wide as he stares at the girl, who had been nothing but nice to him, wondering if she would react to him asking her out the same way. If he ever grew delusional enough to think he had a chance with her that is. No one would ever be good enough for the girl sat across from him- himself included- but these guys, absolute nobodies, dare to approach her. 

"Not in the slightest." The brunette tells James sternly. "If you don't completely shut them down, they still think they have a chance."

"Its true, you know." Sirius confirms.

Circe smirks, looking over to Remus who appears to be deep in thought. "Besides, I only have enough room for one man in my heart." Causing all four of them to look over at her. She configures her hands into a heart and sends it in Remus' direction. "And the space is already being rented out." The brunette winks.

"Circe stop it, you're going to make the poor boy's heart explode."

a/n i'd love to hear your thoughts :)

sorry, i meant to write another chapter yesterday but i was too tired after work. i'm trying to write a chapter daily but i'm going to try and write another one today because i missed yesterday's update.

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