"summers here"

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Melanie and her mom were packing their stuff, getting ready for their summer in silver falls.

Melanie's favourite time of the year is going to the Walter house, where all of the people she loved were.

Melanie didn't see the boys as lovers, she saw them as brothers, which was why she loved going there.

She absolutely adored Katherine, she was like Melanie's second mother.

Melanie hopped in the car as they finished loading it.

"Are you ready?" Rachel asked Melanie, getting in the car.

"Yep!" Melanie answered, putting on her seatbelt.

They drove off and arrived at the airport half an hour later.

Melanie and her mom lived in california, where they flew from to get to Colorado every summer.

Melanie was processing all her hopes and thoughts on the way there, hoping that this summer would be the same.

She loved everything about the Walter house, the ranch, the pool, the horses, how she liked hanging out with the boys and Parker, every bit of her felt at home when she was with them.

All the boys plus Parker, also loved Rachel.

She treated them like her kids, always listening to everything they say.

Rachel and Katherine were best friends along with Angelica howard, who sadly passed away a couple months ago.

Melanie had heard that Jackie howard, Angelica's daughter, had moved in with the Walters.

Melanie only met the Howard's a couple of times, when her mom and Angelica met up together, but that was it.

The parks had finally arrived in the Colorado airport, walking near the entrance when they saw Katherine and George Walter, walking up to them.

"Melanie, Rachel your here!" Katherine smiled, embracing the two.

"Hi Katherine!" Melanie smiled pulling away.

"I love your new hair!" Katherine grabbed Melanie's golden locks, as last summer it was brunette.

"Thanks, I decided to change it up a little bit" she smiled back at her.

"Well we should get going, the boys are really looking forward to seeing you" Katherine grabbed Melanie's bags as Rachel walked beside her.

They got to the car and George loaded the bags in.

"So Melanie, how's your boyfriend?" Katherine asked Melanie but she just got embarrassed.

"Uhh great, he's the best" Melanie smiled back at her.

They were referring to Elijah, Melanie's boyfriend back home, who she loved.

She often talked to him alot during summer, atleast one time everyday.

Melanie's mom stepped in and broke the rather awkward silence.

"So Katherine, how's your nephews? I heard their dad got deployed" Melanie's mom asked Katherine.

"Oh it took a while to get lee settled in but, Isaac was fine about it" Katherine turned around.

"I'm sorry, who are they" Melanie interrupted.

"Oh they're family, from my side. You'll get to meet them soon" George closed the trunk and got in the car.

Melanie just smiled awkwardly and leaned against the window.

She noticed that everything still looked the same from last summer, and it even smelled the same aswell.

The car has finally arrived at Melanie's favourite place, the Walter house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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