Episode 1

33 1 6

*Dipsy was at a town to buy something for his bf Tinky, he sees a toy store and walks in, he sees lots of toys, then he saw a Teletubby plush, he walk up to it and grabs the Teletubby plush and looks at it
for a moment*

Dipsy:" This looks kinda cute, and I can tell this plush is a male and it's blue, I'm not sure if Tinky is going to love it, but I do like it though, I'll buy this one and I'll keep looking for a gift to my bf Tinky *Walks up to the manager*

Toy Female Manager:" *Sees Dipsy* Why hello did you found a good toy to you liked?

Dipsy:" *Place the Teletubby plush on the desk* Yes I would like to buy this plush as you can see

Toy Female Manager:" Okay let me check on how much you need to pay this plush sir *checks on the price tag* that'll be five dollars sir

Dipsy:" Okay here you go *gives five dollars to the Toy Female Manager*

Toy Female Manager:" *Grabs the five dollars from Dipsy's hand* Thank you very much and have nice day sir and enjoy your new toy

Dipsy:" *Grabs the Teletubby plush* Thanks you too *walks out of the toy store*

*9 minutes later*

Dipsy:" *Opens the door and walks inside and close the door* Welp I'm fainlly back to my house, and I finally found a perfect gift for my bf Tinky, but first let me put my plush at my room

*Dipsy walks to his room and opens it and walks in and puts his Teletubby plush on his bed*

Dipsy:" I don't think this plush doesn't have a name, oh I know I'll call you Ron, yes that's it, don't go anywhere Ron I'll be right back *holds Tinky's gift and walks out of his room and close the door and walks away*

*While Dipsy was calling to his bf Tinky, at Dipsy's room there was a light blue sparkling appears and touch Dipsy's Teletubby plush named Ron, and the white dust appears and soon both the light blue sparkling and the white dust disappeared, it made Ron come alive and like a real Teletubby, soon Dipsy finished calling his bf Tinky and puts Tinky's gift at the table and walks back to his room and opens the door and walks in, when he stops walking he saw a another male Teletubby was in his bed and was sleeping*

Dipsy:" What in the world is that? And who's he at my house?

*Dipsy was thinking, then he realizes that this was his plush*

Dipsy:" This that my plush?, He came alive, wow, he does looked cute

Ron:" *Wakes up and yawns and looks at Dipsy for a moment*

Dipsy:" Hello there

Ron:" *Scared and gets off of Dipsy's bed and runs out of Dipsy's room*

Dipsy:" Hey wait come back!!!!! *Runs after Ron*

*Ron was running away from Dipsy, but he tripped over and Dipsy fainlly catches him and holds him, Ron looks at Dipsy while still scared of him*

Ron:" P-please don't hurt m-me

Dipsy:" Calm down I won't hurt you cutie

Ron:" *Gets calmed down* You won't?

Dipsy:" *Let's go of Ron* Yeah

Ron:" Okay then

Dipsy:" I already know your name, so let me introduce myself to you, my name is Dipsy nice to meet you Ron

Ron:" Well nice to meet you too Dipsy, so where am I?

Dipsy:" Oh well you are in my house, this is where I lived here

Ron:" Oh okay *looks at through the window and notice the sky is getting dark* why is the sky getting darker?

Dipsy:" Oh that means it's almost night time, so we should probably go to sleep

Ron:" Okay, but where would I sleep? You only got one bed but I'm not sure if me and you can squeeze in

Dipsy:" How about you can sleep at my couch at the living room

Ron:" Sure that will worked Dipsy

Dipsy:" Okay let me get some blankets for you to cover *walks away to the closet*

*Few minutes later*

*It was already night time, Dipsy was sleeping at his room and on his bed, and Ron was sleeping at the living room on the couch cover himself with the blankets, but he was not comfortable enough, he wakes up and gets off the couch and walks towards to Dipsy's room and opens the door carefully and quietly and close the door as he looks at Dipsy for a moment*

Ron:" *Thoughts* The couch didn't make me sleep and not makes me uncomfortable, though, Dipsy's bed looks kinda big and it can only squeeze more then one, should I sleep on Dipsy's bed?, I hope he won't mind me sleeping with him on his bed, I'll try and see

*Ron walks up to Dipsy's bed and gets on his bed and grabs the blanket and covers himself, he turns around and looks at Dipsy who was sleeping already next to him, Ron decided to scooch over closer to Dipsy, then he stops scooching and he was behind Dipsy's back, Ron cuddles Dipsy's back and he was warm*

Ron:" *Thoughts* Oh my goodness.....Dipsy's back is so warm and soft......a-and I feel l-like sl-

Ron:" *Falls asleep and cuddles Dipsy's back*

To be continued
Finally I have finished this story, hope you enjoy 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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I'm Just Your Toy? (Dipsy x Ron) 💚x💙Where stories live. Discover now