"Hey close your mouth your drooling."

"No, no, I am not. What are you doing?"


"Hey, look for talking, Amulets."

"I have, and all I have come up with is toys and plushies."

"Wouldn't you agree, Jim?"


"With the war tactics of Athans?"

"Oh yes"

"Which ones in particular?"

"Um, the winning ones."

He said and the class laughed as the bell rung. 

"Alright, class dismissed, Jim may I keep you a moment."

Jim knocked over his bag and Stricker helped him pick it all up.

"Jim, I am worried about you. You fell asleep at the beginning of class, and then your attention wandered for the rest of the class."

"Sorry Mr. Strickler I haven't been getting enough sleep."

"I know it is just you and your mother."

"She works hard; she is doing double shifts at the hospital, and I just want to help her out."

"I believe you do. I also believe that I am a bit overdue for a conversation with her. Have her call me please."

"Yes sir."

"Jim if you need anything don't be afraid to talk to me."

They had gym class which could have gone better for both of the boys but in the end they just started to walk out and head home. As they were leaving they saw Steve bullying Eli.

"We should do something."

"Oh no if he is too busy bullying Peperjack that means he isn't picking on us. Jim don't"

"So Eli tell me what you saw again and maybe I will let you out."

"Or you could let him out right now it would be nice I mean."

"Know what would be nice you minding your own business."

"Hi, Jim!"

"Now Eli where were we? Oh yeah, you were telling be about those monsters you saw that had fangs and claws and what was it?"

"Stone for skin now let me out!"

"Stone for skin man Eli you really have an Imagination."

"Ok, Steve, let him out."

"What did I say about staying out of this."

"Go ahead hit me."

"You are asking for a beating?"

"Yeah just go crazy. But in 20 years you are going to be bald and fat and Eli is going to have a job in software and be a billionaire."

"I do like computers"

"Let him out let him out"

The whole courtyard starts to chant with Toby. Then Coach comes out and breaks up the fight. Steve then threatens Jim. Jim and Toby head for home. When Jim gets home he waits for the amulet to talk again but instead, he hears a noise in his basement.

"Ug raccoons"

He gets a broom and heads downstairs. And he goes down and the lights go dark. And eyes start to glow behind him.

"Master Jim!"


"Master Jim! At last we have found you."




"Not ahhhh, Aaarrrgghh, three R's"


"He likes to say AAAHHH a lot."

"I believe it is some form of a greeting. AHH AAHH AHHAH."


"Um, Blinky, he is shaking."

"Aaarrrgghh my good fellow, please would you mind."

"Please just put me down."

"Ok, where was I."

"Master Jim, Found you."

"Oh yes. Master Jim, you have been called to the heist of Offices to protect society underneath your feet. And become the Trollhunter. So what say you."

Jim Faints and the two trolls look down at him in destress. 

"Is that a yes?" 

Into the Shadows of ArcadiaWhere stories live. Discover now