Not Childhood Friends Part 2

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Barbie has started to tour Ken around the school, from here to there, from science class to English class and so on, as they walk down the hallway to go to the gym students noticed the both of them, especially the new guy Barbie with, most of them thought it was her boyfriend (well not yet) or something but for those girl students... they knew they found a new crush unlocked.

When they got to the gym, they found Teresa and the rest of the student councils checking the decorations and music which will be DJ by Skipper and Daisy.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Barbie greets them.

"Oh hey Barbie, we're good... Well how's the tour going?" Teresa replied then looked at the guy she's with and found out that he was indeed tall and handsome as hell.

" Doing great!, oh and by the way Ken this is one of my Bestfriend Teresa, Teresa this is Ken our new student here." Barbie said introducing Ken to her friends and to Skipper.

"Wow sis! Looks like you've won a lottery." she said looking to her sister giving her a smirk, while she's shaking the hand of the guy.

Barbie just gave her a death stare, and ignored what she said.

After the introductions, Barbie asked the process of the decorations and when they will start to decorate the gym.

"So... when are we gonna decorate?" she asked

Teresa replied but seems to be forgetting something
"Uhmm... yeah maybe on Wednesday next week, I guess?" she said as she shrugged

Barbie was about to say something but Ken beat her to it.

"Sorry to interrupt, but aren't there's a basketball play next week on Tuesday and Wednesday, right?" Ken asked.

"That's what I was gonna say." Barbie said.

"Oh yeah.. you're right, I've totally forgotten about that..." Teresa said as she slapped her forehead. "Wait, how'd you know that?" she asked confused for someone who is new in their school and knows the schedule.

"Well.. I've kinda joined the team yesterday when I gave the papers needed for my transfer here, to the principal, then passed by the gym saw the Golden Beach High's players practicing basketball, I was about to leave but the coach asked me to give it a shot and more, they were maybe a little impressed and asked me to join the team, and I did!, actually we have practice later...sooo that's how I knew it." Ken said and felt a little awkward.

"Really? Wow, that's nice!" Barbie said in a very friendly way. "Thanks" Ken replied

After some discussion, Barbie looked at her watch and saw the time that it was almost for their first class which was chemistry.

"We gotta head to class, it's almost time... you guys should probably too, let's talk about this later and see if we can make a plan on how the program will go." Barbie said.

"Sure thing, catch ya later."

After some discussion, Barbie waved goodbye to her friends the same thing the guy beside her did, they turned to leave.


While walking in the hallway Ken still a bit lost around the school so he decided to just follow the girl beside him, as he followed he looked around and saw all eyes on him...all eyes on them both. He ignored them and continued to walk.

Why does she seem unbothered with all those eyes? Is this normal for her?... Is she like famous something? Ken thought as he was looking at the girl who was now in front of him.

"We're here." Barbie declared, once they were outside their classroom.

They were about to get in but the teacher stopped them--well Ken--she let Barbie go in first, then she told Ken to wait here outside and wait for her signal to come in to introduce himself in front of the class. He nodded and waited patiently.

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