Chapter 2

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Qian Cao Peak; Medical Wing: Liu Feiyan/Qingge Pov.

By the time Liu Feiyan finally manages to open his eyes again three days have gone by. At the very least he doesn't feel like puking his entire guts out and his head was literally breaking into half this time. However, that didn't make him feel any better. In fact, if anything it just made him feel worse when he noticed the unfamiliar environment he somehow managed to wind himself into.

He vaguely remembers the first time he woke up in the strange environment. At first, he really thought it was all just a weird dream he had probably from watching too much palace drama late into the night with his sister. It was part of their sibling bonding time that Liu Feiyan managed to wrestle with his constantly busy schedule. He felt bad not being able to spend enough time with his sister as he should have. So, in order to make up for it, he would often accompany her in her interesting hobbies...

The young man felt his face going hot red when he accidentally picked up a half-written script she wrote about homosexual love. Steams literally came bursting out of his ears when he saw the vivid graphic illustrations of the rather compromising sexual scenes of the protagonist and male lead. For the sake of his sanity, he wiped that memory off of his memory doing his best to pretend as if though he hadn't just read a +18 danmei love romance thriller novel that his cute adorable sister wrote.

His sister recommended several interesting web novels to him which were normal thank heavens... Now Liu Feiyan wasn't much of a reader but for his sister, he was willing to go give it a try. He had to admit it was a nice break from time to time. It was also a good way to keep his mind off some things, especially the ones he didn't want to be reminded of.

Come to think of it he still hadn't had the chance to read that last novel he was checking out. The title was completely ridiculous and even his sister said it was complete trash. A complete waste and a poor excuse for writing she said. He thought she was over exaggerating but when he saw the comment written by some anti-fan of the novel he saw that his sister wasn't the only one who held the same opinion.

For some reason, he felt intrigued and bookmarked the page to read later.

But now he was here in this weird old-looking house that literally look likes it could have jumped out of some wuxia or xianxia television show. The real only logical explanation he could come up with in his tiny brain was that he must have gotten caught by some weird crowd and dragged into a film set. Not that it was strange he's had a few close calls here and there. But most of the time they let him go when they realize he couldn't act to save his life. Ironically it gave him the opportunity to get some small modeling jobs here and there that paid very well.

Hey, a man's got to eat, and really at that point, he was past the even if I'm shit poor I should at the very least keep my dignity. Dignity wasn't putting food on the table and paying the bills most especially his sister's expensive school tuition fees.

But even so, he had his limits. There was a time when it was seriously dangerous and he almost got tricked into filming for an AV video. Hey even if he's fallen pretty low he wasn't going to fall that low! Not to mention he's not going to ruin his sister's chance at getting a good job. He's heard about the strict background check these elite corporations do on the potential talent they want to recruit from his colleagues and his friends. Having an older brother who was a dirt poor orphan with a non-existent education record was bad enough he wasn't going to add an AV actor to the fucking list!

He literally had to punch his way through that one. He was so lucky he wasn't charged with the assault. But then again they really looked like shady people. They were probably criminals or something of the sort. They probably couldn't call the police even if they wanted to. Anyhow that seriously was a close call.

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