LEMON LuNa: Nami's Passion

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Looking at her for a second longer, before he took his hat from his head, tossing it over onto her table. Her eyes watched as the light, straw hat wafted its way onto her desk, landing harmlessly atop a map she was working on. 'What is he doing?' she pondered, looking back at Luffy and feeling surprised, as he lay himself back onto her bed, his hands folded behind his head as he watched her ceiling. Luffy just lay there, looking up at her ceiling, making her nervous, just having him so close to her. As much as she didn't want to admit it, this was exactly what she wanted. She wanted to be alone with him so much, and just spill out all the feelings she was holding back, but even now, she just couldn't. Slowly getting used to the situation, she felt a little bolder and lay down next to him, her own hands folded behind her head. Tilting her head slightly, she watched him carefully, still wondering what it was that he wanted to talk about, if he had anything to talk about at all. It seemed to her as though he were content to simply lay there, gazing up at her ceiling. 'Luffy... what are you doing?' she thought, hoping that somehow he could hear her thoughts.

But before she could continue her line of thinking, he suddenly spoke up. "Nami, why did you lie earlier?" he asked her matter-of-factly, tilting his head so that their eyes were locked. "Eh?" she muttered, feeling her heart begin to beat faster again, wondering what he meant. "During the game, when I asked you if you loved anything more than money or mikans. Why did you lie?" his question floored her, and Nami could not think of anything to answer. She had indeed lied, but how could he possibly have known that? "W... what do you... mean...?" she slowly forced out, trying to get the attention of the boy off of her. 'It isn't possible!' she thought to herself, feeling her body begin to warm up further. 'There is no way he could see through me... Is there?' she wondered, her mind becoming frantic, trying to think of a way to go against her wishes, to figure out a way to not tell him, despite how much she wanted to. She watched the younger boy as he sat up, cross legged on her bed, staring a hole right into the center of her being. His gaze kept her locked in place, unable to do anything but stare back blankly at the boy. "So, Nami..." he said, causing her to sit up, their eyes level now, as she gulped down on nothing again. "Is there anything you love more than money or mikans?" he asked in an almost sarcastic tone, as though he knew the answer, a knowing smile on his lips as he simply gazed at her.

"No fair..." she pouted, looking into his eyes feeling herself moving closer to him, her eyes slowly hooding closing as she moved in closer. "You shouldn't ask questions that you already know the answer to, baka." she said only mildly teasingly, as their lips touched, only so briefly. But even that small touch sent an undeniably strong surge of energy through her. 'Wow...' she thought, and smiled to herself as she noticed that the other person had the same reaction. "So that is what I have been missing out on" she smirked, giggling as he snickered along, nodding in agreement. Then, they leaned in again, this time their lips touching at the same instant, a stronger surge of energy surging through the two. Running her hands slowly around him, Nami grasped her hands on his red vest, pulling him on top of her as she leaned back, feeling all the energy leave her body as their lips remained locked, for what seemed like only an instant. She moaned in longing as he broke the kiss, sitting up and gazing down at her lovely body. Locking their eyes together, the two got the same idea, and the passion suddenly exploded inside each of them, Nami working her fingers deftly on the buttons of his raggedy red shirt as he slowly slid his hands up her toned tummy, bringing her own shirt up with them. As he reached the underside of her arms, she moved her hands off of his chest, removing her shirt as he did the same for his, allowing her a view of his firm, toned muscles.

Suddenly Nami felt even hotter, noticing that he was very strong, something she forgot about on more than one occasion, normally whenever she had to beat him up to keep him in check. She felt even warmer as she noticed his own eyes glued to her firm breasts, watching them heaving gently up and down with her breathing. Smiling, she reached behind her, undoing the clasp on her lacy white bra before bringing it off her front, and tossing it towards her desk, watching as it landed right next to his straw hat. She giggled a bit to herself as Luffy gulped on nothing, before capturing her lips with his once again. She moaned loudly into his mouth, wrapping her arms around his body, clutching at his skin with her fingernails, feeling utter rapture as his tongue made its way knowingly into her waiting mouth. Feeling caught up in the rapture of the moment, she returned his attention, pressing her tongue against his, wrestling it for control as a small trail of saliva began to leak from the corner of their now joined lips.

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