Lavender Lemon :Book 1

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Book 1

Chapter 1 :

Welcome to Lavender Lemon, a tea shop in the city of Chicago. Rain hits against the windows as customers come in for a warm drink and comfort. They say anything worthwhile takes work, it's only a matter of time until I'm the next biggest star selling out concerts. I just have to keep working, in the meantime I'll be here, serving tea. Clara thinks to herself as she leans against the front counter, her eyes in a haze.

" Do you plan on going to Karaoke tonight, Clair?"

"No, not tonight, Jen. There's new songs and new remixes I've been working on to post on my music channel for YouTube. I'm planning to go home after this shift.  It's only a couple of minutes until we're done. Thank God it's Friday."

"I figured, "You're always working on your music."

" Because Jen, it's only a matter of time until I hear my songs on the radio and I become a professional singer! My fan base is steadily growing! Crowds of my fans will fill concert venues to see me, my name will be among the greatest artists of our time! You'll become a professional fashion designer and stylist for famous clients! Soon your fashion brand will become well known. You'll have the store you always wanted and I won't be the only star that has you as their stylist! Everything we've been working so hard for will manifest and we'll become famous together like we always planned! I can see it! We just have to keep working."

Jen Smiles as she replies: "You know, you get the biggest sparkles in your eyes every time you talk about our dreams. You are so passionate and driven it inspires me, I see it too."

"Aw! Thank you, babes. I swear You're the bubba to my tea, love you."

Jen laughs: " love you too. You know, we have something important to discuss that you haven't mentioned today."


"Your Birthday! Aren't you excited? Your Birthday is this Monday."

Clara and Jen talk as they prepare to close the shop for the night.

  "Oh, that's right! I forgot my birthday was coming up."

" Why do you always forget when your birthday comes up? It's the same time every year Clair."

  "Don't make fun of me, you know I struggle with time blindness."

"That's crazy but you're right I shouldn't be surprised. You get so in the zone when you're working on music that you forget to eat. Do you even know what you want for your birthday this year? Have you thought about it?"

" I have no idea, I just wanna have a good time. Maybe we can go to karaoke to celebrate my birthday."

" Sounds like fun but isn't Darrien taking the late shifts at the cupcake shop? Would he be able to go?"

"That's true but he usually gets off around 9 so he can meet us at the karaoke bar after work."

" Great! Then we can go to celebrate your birthday together like we usually do, that will be so much fun! I'm sure Darrien can't wait to give you a challenge to sing."

" Yeah, it would be awesome. I can start searching now for what song I want Darrien to sing for me. Clara laughs. "I'll make him sing one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite boy bands, lost sirens."

Clara and Jen walk out the door and lock the tea shop up for the night.

"Doesn't Darrien hate boy bands?"

"Yeah, that's why it'll be fun!"

"You two love to mess with each other any opportunity you guys get hun?"

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