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#Adultstory,  #Rated18

“Sarah, get the hell out of here!” Joanne screamed,
“and stay the fuck out until I get dressed, or I’ll shove
my hand up your ass and give you fucking
Our sensuous little world of loving incest had been
broached by my sister’s friend Sarah, and we had
been caught in a most compromising position. My
now-flaccid cock was still captured in my sister’s ass,
and she had clamped her rectal muscles in an attempt
to hold me there. The only thing between this steamy
scene and Sarah’s prying eyes were the sleeping bags
that we’d zipped together, giving us enough room for
two naked bodies.
“Don’t threaten me, Joanne Houghton!” Sarah
snapped back, her voice full of anger and malice. “You
two have enough explaining to do as it is, and I’m not
going anywhere until I get it.” The look of
determination on Sarah’s face told me that we were in
big trouble, and Joanne’s expression confirmed my
worst fears. But Sarah was kind enough to give us
some privacy, backing out of the tent’s doorway and
letting the flap drop back into place, although she did
leave the flap’s zipper undone.
“Jim, how the hell are we going to keep her from
blabbing to everyone back home?” Joanne asked, her
tone full of real concern. “The first people that’ll hear
about us will be Mom and Dad, and we both know
how well that’ll work out. Dad’ll cut your balls off, and
Mom’s probably gonna glue my cunt shut! Geez, ya
think her timing could have been any worse than this?”
I almost expected my little sister to break out into
tears, and the guilt that I felt for putting her into this
compromised predicament wasn’t doing me any good,
either. To say that we were scared shitless would be a
bit of an understatement.
“Sis, everyone has their price. Whatever Sarah wants to
keep her mouth shut, we’re gonna have to do. It’s as
simple as that. The question is, what’s it gong to cost
us to get that silence?” I put forth. “Maybe we can
negotiate something?” I added, hoping against hope
that Joanne’s friend had a bent for bickering.
“What she wants is sex,” my sister advanced, “but to
what degree, I couldn’t tell you. Whether she’d settle
for something relatively innocent, or whether she’d
demand a full-blown orgy, we’ll have to find out.
Dammit Jim, I’m scared! To lose everything we’ve
found together because of Sarah’s big mouth is going
to just kill me! I can’t lose you, big brother! I just
“Hey, I’m not going anywhere! Whatever happens,
we’re in this together, and whatever it takes to protect
my little sister, I’ll do it. You know that, and you know
that I’ll risk everything I have, and everything I am, just
to keep you safe, don’t you? So let’s go talk to Sarah,
and find out what she wants in exchange for her
silence” I suggested.
Joanne grabbed a cloth and cleaned herself off, then
threw the rag at me, suggesting that I seriously
consider following her lead. Inhaling deeply, I could
see what she meant. I smelled of cum, both hers and
mine, and it was bad enough to make a skunk
consider another bottle of Chanel No. 5, especially if he
was within a hundred feet of our tent.
As I cleaned myself up, Joanne struggled to pull on
some suitable clothing in preparation for a
confrontation with our uninvited guest. She was kind
enough to wait for me to get dressed so that we could
approach the enemy with a united front. I got the idea
that Joanne’s strategy was based on the concept that
the best defence is a strong offence. I was still working
on the premise that if I couldn’t see the problem, it
didn’t exist. Maybe one of these days, I’ll learn how to
imitate an ostrich and stick my head in the sand. But
once I was dressed, it was time to find out exactly
what it would take to guarantee Sarah’s silence.
Sitting at the picnic table that was part of the
campsite, Joanne and I sat on one side while Sarah
sat on the other, the best seating arrangement for a
negotiating conference. My sister tried to soften the
tension of the meeting with some small talk, all the
while holding my hand under the table. Sarah knew
she had the upper hand, and wasn’t about to back
down if she didn’t have to, but the whole conflict
seemed to be stalling until one of us got to the meat of
the problem. I bit the bullet and opened with the
obvious blunt question.
“Okay, Sarah, you sort of have us over a barrel here.
What we want is for you to keep what you know
entirely to yourself. What do we have to do to get you
to keep your mouth shut?” I couldn’t have made it any
simpler than that, and I felt Joanne squeeze my hand
as a signal that she hoped we could find something to
offer her friend that would keep all of us relatively

“Joanne knows exactly what I want – to see you two
happy” Sarah came back. “I’ve had a thing for you
since we were fourteen, Jim, but you’re Joanne’s guy
now. Girls aren’t supposed to hit on other girl’s guys.
Right, Jo?”
I couldn’t believe my ears! Sarah had us both between
a rock and a hard place, and she was going to give up
something that had been her fantasy for almost two
years? There had to be a catch, because this was too
easy. I could have it left well enough alone, and
maybe I should have, but something was nagging at
the back of my head.
“That’s it?” I wondered aloud. “No conditions, no
negotiations, no blackmailing? As much as I hate to
look a gift horse in the mouth, Sarah, I’m having a
hard time believing that you’d let us off the hook and
just look the other way. What’s the catch?”
Sarah sat and stared at me for a minute before
dropping the bombshell. She wanted to spend the
weekend in our company, which to me was right in
there with going hunting with a game warden in the
off-season. The opportunity to be with my sister,
alone, was beginning to evaporate quickly. My first
reaction was to tell her to get lost, but Joanne’s
squeeze on my hand got my attention instantly, and I
kept my mouth shut.
“Tell you what, Sarah,” Jo began to negotiate, “how
about we spend the day together, and see where it
goes from there? You have nowhere to sleep, and
we’re not about to stuff three people in that tent. It
isn’t big enough for that many bodies anyway.
Besides, there’s a reason why Jim and I are up here,
and it sure isn’t to hold an open house.”
“Deal,” Sarah volunteered, “but I sure could use a
coffee, right about now. That’s a long drive, and I got
up kind of early to find out what you two were up to.
My curiosity drove me nuts all night. You have to admit
that a brother and sister going camping at this time of
year is a little over the top. If it was my little brother
and I, you’d be wondering too.”
Sarah’s little brother Kyle was barely thirteen, and
probably as close to a nerd as I’d ever seen. Eventually
he’d probably grow up to be a nice guy, but by the
time he did, the three of us would be out of our
parent’s houses and gone.

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